What is the 'P' in APIE?
What domain does 'playing hockey' fall under?
What activity does The Social first start with?
A) Painting
B) Active Game
C) Check-in and Agenda
D) Snack
C) Check-In and Agenda
The Leisure Well-Being Model is heavily influenced by this field of psychology, which focuses on human flourishing and happiness.
Positive Psychology
The Client can drive the Volunteer to the mall
True or False?
False. The Client and Volunteer's are not to drive one another to other locations during the visit.
What is the 'E' in APIE?
What domain does doing 'Crosswords' fall under?
The Social only runs for 8 weeks total.
True or False?
False! It is a continuous program!
[3 months for volunteers!]
The term used to describe leisure activities that help individuals build their social connections and sense of belonging.
What is social well-being?
IHR visits are expected to be 4 hours in length.
True or False?
False. It is a 2 hour visit
What is the 'I' in APIE?
What domain does 'listening to inspirational podcasts' fall under?
During the Social, Care Partners are able to join
True or False?
False. Care Partner's join Minds in Motion programming
Programs based on the Leisure Well-Being Model aim to reduce stress by incorporating activities that encourage relaxation and this.
How many in-home visits take place for volunteering?
12 visits!
What is the 'A' in APIE?
What domain does 'Aromatherapy' fall under?
The Social program is provided to Client and allows Care Partner _______ time.
Time for Care Partner's to take time for themselves, run errands, rest.
Recreational therapists use this approach to help clients develop coping skills, build self-esteem, and improve their quality of life.
Therapeutic Recreation
After the 12 visits, the client wanted to show their appreciation by providing you a card and $50 for your time and efforts given to them. Are you able to accept this?
No, are not able to accept gifts from our clients. If this is offered, please consult with the In-Home Recreation Coordinators to support you on this further.
Why is APIE important?
Multiple domains are associated with attending a Choir group. Can you identify these?
Emotional, Social, Cognitive- potentially spiritual!
The Social and Minds in Motion are drop-in style programs. True or False?
False. Clients must register to attend a specific session.
This theory, associated with the model, suggests that leisure experiences that challenge skills just enough can lead to a state of immersion and enjoyment.
During your visit, the care partner asks you to support the following tasks. Which tasks out of this list are appropriate for the IHR volunteer role?
Playing Cards
Grocery Shopping
Playing cards, painting and exercise! We as that visits remain solely focused on recreational based programs.