"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him."
Step 3
A state of mind you may enter after being up for several days.
Candy, crack, white girl, powder, blow, snow, soft and powder.
Process that allows you to sit still, clear your mind, and focus on breathing.
What is Meditation
Feelings are not
Steps focused on resentments and amends
Steps 8 & 9
The process by which the body rids itself of drugs
What is detox/withdrawal?
Is the fastest addicting drug.
The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness,
What is gratitude
Feelings of worry, uneasiness, or dread..
"Practice theses principals in all our affairs"
Step 12
Methadone, Suboxone and Naltrexone combined with counseling is?
MAT- Medication Assisted treatment
Substance with a high death rate in the U.S.,deadly in even small amounts.
Trick for gain perspective when faced with challenges from others.
2 X 4
A strong desire. The overwhelming thought or emotion that feels like you're being pulled to do or use something.
Craving and/or urges
"We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol/drugs---that our lives had become unmanageable."
Step 1
When used as a treatment for alcohol dependency, the injection form of naltrexone known as _____ blocks the euphoric effects and feelings of intoxication. This allows people with alcohol addiction to reduce their drinking behaviors enough to remain motivated to stay in treatment, avoid relapses, and take medications.
Crystal, Crystal Glass, Christina, Tina, Cris, Cristy
What is METH
Someones ability to recovery quickly from difficulties.
Anger, humor, diversion, blaming, excuse making, denial, compromising are often used as.....
defense mechanisms
Dating in the rooms of AA/NA
Step 13
DON'T DO IT!!!!!!
1st symptom experienced as a sign you're developing a substance abuse disorder...
Increased tolerance
New drug used to cut other substances, is not counteracted by Narcan.
Thinking trough what will happen if you make a certain decision.
Playing the tape forward
The ______ of not getting something, or the ________ of something being taken away are often at the root of other emotions.