Test Review 1
Test Review 2
Test Review 3
Test Review 4
Test Review 5
All of the following are examples of technology except?
a. Television
b. Computer
c. Toilet
d. Tree
What is Tree
Explain why the universal systems model is used.
a. it is the way a company is measured
b. It is an attempt simplify your view of a complex system.
c. it is an attempt to make a system more complex
d. it is a way to set up a company
What is It is an attempt simplify your view of a complex system
What invention has enabled information to reach the masses?
a. Cars
b. Global Positioning System
c. Television
d. Telegraph
What is a television
Which category of OSHA safety requires that exits and aisles not be blocked?
a. Means of egress
b. Walking and work surfaces
c. First aid and transporting
d. Evacuation
What is Means of egress
The acronym or initials for our problem solving method is:
a. S.O.L.V.E.
b. A.C.T.
c. P.R.O.B.
d. D.E.A.L.
What is D.E.A.L.
Someone who is able to use, manage, understand, and access technology is considered to be:
a. Technologically literate
b. Computer literate
c. A+ Certification
d. Technical
What is technologically literate
Which one of the following represents the sequence of the universal systems model?
a. input, output, feedback, process
b. feedback, process, input, output
c. input, process, output, feedback
d. process, output, input, feedback
What is input, process, output, feedback
Technology can relate to language arts in which of the following?
a. Science
b. Mathematics
c. Technical reports
d. Social studies
What is technical reports
When it comes to 21st Century skills, which one of the following makes achieving them so important for current students?
a. Students need to be more versatile on the job
b. Students will get laid off often
c. Free trade is an advantage for American workers
d. The increased cost of living
What is Students need to be more versatile on the job
The fourth step in the problem solving method is:
a. Defining the problem
b. Defining the solution
c. Exploring all possible solutions
d. Look back and evaluate
What is Look back and evaluate
The student organization for the trades is:
a. Technology Student Association
b. Technical Student Association
c. Industry Skills of America
d. SkillsUSA
What is SkillsUSA
Building a structure is a:
a. Process
b. Output
c. Input
d. Feedback
What is a process
The use of technology affects humans in various ways including:
a. May make things safer
b. May cause crime
c. May make people more religious
d. May make people be nicer to each other
What is may make things safer
Inquiry, analysis, and decision making describe which one of the following?
a. Critical thinking
b. Debate
c. Good communicators
d. Sound application of knowledge
What is Critical thinking
The actual results of the universal systems model is:
a. Feedback
b. Process
c. Input
d. Output
What is Output
These use mathematics and science to analyze, predict, and optimize designs as solutions to technological problems.
a. Technicians
b. Engineers
c. Analysts
d. Mathematicians
What is Engineers
Cutting down trees to build a parking lot is an example of how technology affects the:
a. Environment
b. Society
c. Culture
d. Economy
What is the environment
In technology, exploratory and normative are two types of:
a. Surgery
b. Development
c. Forecasting
d. Discipline
What is forecasting
The universal systems model utilizes the following steps:
a. Input, process, output, feedback.
b. Define, act, explore, look.
c. Safety, quality, ergonomics, repair.
d. None of the above.
What is Input, process, output, feedback
Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Technology can have both positive and negative impacts
b. Technological progress promotes the advancement of science and mathematics.
c. Technology always benefits the environment
d. Technology impacts all areas of life
What is Technology always benefits the environment
What is the ability to do work?
a. Power
b. Photovoltaic
c. Energy
d. Coal
What is Energy
The fact that we tolerate some technologies, even though they have negative impacts on us is a:
a. Trade-off
b. Socialization
c. Obstacle of process
d. Product obsolescence
What is a trade-off
What must be worn at all times when anyone is working in the lab?
a. Shirt
b. Safety glasses/goggles
c. Jewelry
d. Headband
What is Safety glasses/goggles
Why is it important to follow a formal problem solving method?
a. You are guaranteed the right answer.
b. It is required for the course.
c. You deal with problems logically.
d. For safety
What is You deal with problems logically
Where should all flammable materials be stored?
a. With the scrap newspaper
b. With the rags
c. Flammables cabinet
d. Under workbenches
What is Flammables cabinet