What are Tradesmen International's "Core 4"?
Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing
Winnipeg or New York
What program has the most National Titles?
What NCAA D1 basketball coach - and Indiana native - is nicknamed the Wizard of WestWood?
John Wooden
What is the company average bill rate?
Who was the original owner of TI?
Joe Wesley
MLB Team Mascot that does not end in S
White Sox or Red Sox
Who has the most NCAA Tournament points in a single tournament? Hint:1989
Glen Rice - for National Champion Michigan Wolverines
Who is "The Logo?"
Jerry West - NBA
Assuming 40 hours worked, how much does a $50 per hour Journeyman Carpenter net you in weekly sales?
Where can you find all pieces of information necessary to do your job at Tradesmen International?
This school is the proud owner of Mike VII - don't get too close
What team has the most Final 4 appearances?
North Carolina - 23
With over 16,000 rush yards, this player is referred to as "The Inconvenient Truth"
Frank Gore
If you make $50,000 per year salary, what is your total income if you meet company MINIMUM expectations of 1 MSA, 1 RESTART and 1 NEW USER per month?
KPI worth $250 each, 12 months in a year.
Commission is calculated based on the amount of this collected
Gross Profit
Eagles - 117
What coach has the most NCAA tournament appearances?
Which athlete is nicknamed the "Muscle Hamster?"
Doug Martin
If our average pay check is worth $1,200, $50,000 in weekly sales equals approximately how many working men
Who is the CEO of Tradesmen International
Marty Wick
Initially the Dallas Texans, this NFL team was nicknamed after the mayor of the city they moved to - H. ROE Buttle
Kansas City "Chiefs"
What NCAA D1 coach has the most Wins?
Who is - "The Great One"
Wayne Gretzky