What kind of instruction dominates the traditional classroom?
Whole class instruction
Assessment is ------ in a differentiated classroom
on going
Curriculum --------- instruntion
Name three ways that student readiness is supported in this classroom.
use of learning styles
tiered instruction
student's interests
When are learning differences addressed in a traditional classroom?
When they become problematic or students fall very behind and begin to fail
What is the basis for planning in a differentiated classroom?
individual differences and teaching up
Assessment is used at this time in a traditional classroom
At the end of a unit to see who "got it"
You have a child that cannot follow three-step directions. Name two instructional arrangements that would help this child
repeat directions step by step ect.
How is individualized instruction planned for in a traditional classroom?
A narrow sense of learning styles and multiple intelligences are considered for activities and assessments
small group instruction
writers workshop with conferencing
use of graphic organizers
activities based on how to put sentences together in a paragraph