Statements that differ in both quality and quantity.
What are Contradictory Statements?
Statements that are both particular, but differ in quality.
What are Subcontrary Statements?
The status of a term in regard to its extension.
What is Distribution?
A statement that is logically the same even though it uses different words.
What is a logically equivalent statement?
The verbal expression of a deductive inference.
What is a syllogism?
These kind of statements cannot at the same time be true, nor at the same time be false.
What are contradictory statements?
Statements that have the same quality, but differ in quantity.
What are Subalternate Statements (or Subalterns)?
The term that is Undistributed in I and O statements.
What is the subject term?
Interchanging the subject and the predicate in order to make a logically equivalent statement.
What is Conversion?
A group of propositions in orderly sequence, one of which is said to be necessarily inferred from the others.
What is a syllogism?
Statements that are both universal but differ in quality.
What are Contrary Statements?
These kinds of statements may at the same time be true, but cannot at the same time be false.
What are subcontrary statements?
The term that is Undistributed in A and I statements.
What is the Predicate Term?
Changing the quality of a sentence and negating the predicate.
What is obverting a statement?
The act by which the mind acquires new knowledge by means of what it already knows.
What is Reasoning?
These kind of statements cannot at the same time both be true, but can at the same time both be false.
What are contrary statements?
These kinds of statements may be both true or both be false.
What are subalternate statements?
The term that is distributed in A and E statements.
What is the Subject Term?
The method of converting statements into their equivalents by obverting, converting, and obverting again.
The predicate of the conclusion.
The relationship between All S is P and No S is P.
What is contradictory ?
The relationship between the statements All S is P and Some S is P.
What is subalternate?
The term that is Distributed in E and O statements.
What is the Predicate Term?
The type of conversion that only works for A and O statements.
What is contraposition?
The term that appears in both premises.
What is the Middle Term?