name 10 most spoken languages
mandarin, spanish, english, hindustani, arabic, portuguese, bengali, russian, japanese, punjabi, malay (including indonesian), french
Unique is ...
Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else
What does the "melting pot" theory mean, and which countries are examples of it?
like metals melted together at great heat, the melting together of several cultures will produce a new culture that has great strength and other advantages.
Dinners in Italy can last several hours and are a time for leisurely conversation and enjoyment of multiple courses.
In Russian magazin means...
___ is considered as a Global Lingua Franca.
Descendants are ...
The following generation
Why language is an important part of culture?
the language they speak make up the culture that they belong to
The gesture known as "la bise" in France involves a handshake, True/False?
La bise is a traditional French greeting that involves kissing on the cheek
in french "librairie" means ...
what is Lingua Franca?
Common language for people of different nations
definition of Heritage is ...
Features belonging to the culture of a particular society, such as traditions, languages, or buildings, that were created in the past and still have historical importance
How is a multicultural society formed, and what conditions are necessary for it to exist?
a multicultural society is formed when people from many different countries all migrate to one place. However, such society can exist only by tolerance and by the combat against xenophobia.
In which country is apologizing frequently a common habit?
In Spanish, the word "embarazada" means ...
not embarrassed
many dialects used as a second language in North Africa
the word for keeping something as it is, especially not to be damaged or destroyed is
To preserve
specify the peculiarities of living in multicultural country
you grow up with people speaking different languages, eating different foods, belonging to different religions, different colors and races.
What is Global Village known for?
Showcasing cultures from over 75 countries
In German, the word "Gift" means
not a present
name the reason why French is one of the most important languages?
Great total number of speakers, widely-spoken in Europe and Africa, projected growth in the francophone population.
Ancestor is a ...
A person related to you who lived a long time ago
How do the descendants of immigrants influence modern British society?
they make numerous ethnic newspapers, magazines, TV programmes, radio stations and internet sites for each community.
how do you understand ethnorelativism and ethnocentrism?
In Portuguese, "pasta" means
not spaghetti