TAMUG's Population Size
What is 2,000 - 2,500
You can find the bookstore, coffee shop, mailboxes and huge event space here.
Aggie Special Event Center (ASEC)?
This is the pass back for military
This tree has a sapling that is found on senior knoll
What is the Century Tree
5 people who dressed as janitors and lead the student body to get pumped up before a home game
What are Yell Leaders
TAMUG's first training ship
What is the Texas Clipper?
You can find one-on-one and group tutoring, the writing lab and the math lab here
What is The Jack Williams Library
This is what A&M Does instead of Cheers
What are Yells
Camp for new students to learn TAMUG traditions prior to coming in the fall
What is SALT Camp?
This tradition is observed every April 21st
What is Muster
TAMUG's first year of operation
What is 1962
This is where you will find the Admissions and Financial Aid Offices, CALS, classrooms, study rooms, and Pelican Island On The Go!
What is MAIN?
This team was A&M's opposing team when the tradition of "gig em" was created
Who are the TCU Horned Frogs
Known for it's good luck before tests, students use this symbol by rubbing or walking under it's chains.
What is the Texas Clipper Anchor
A&M's rival school mentioned in the War Hymm (Hint: It's a small school in Austin)
Who is t.u.
This family gave back money to A&M and it is what the main campus of TAMUG is named after
What is the Mitchell Family
You can find chicken bowls, tenders, and burritos in this building
What is Chick-n-Grill CABO GRILL :(
This was what lead to a national shortage of maroon shirts
What is Maroon Out
Held in the spring, this dance is open to all TAMUG students as a way to look back on the year, dance, and have fun.
What is the Maritime Ball
The largest one-day, student run service project in the nation
What is Big Event
The Yell Leaders
Who are Patrick Smith, Jett Taylor, Kolbe Hatz, Scott Lyons, etc.
This dorm was knocked down in the late 2010's
What is Mariner
This man stood up as the 12th man in 1922 ready to play and stood by ready to go in for his Aggies
Who is E King Gill
This is where the Texas Clipper took it's final resting place and is now used as an artificial reef.
Where is South Padre Island
Mind, body, spiritual attainment, emotional poise, and integrity of character.
What are the five stages of Aggie Development?