On which day did God create the Sun, Moon, and Stars
Day 4
Which two artists wrote the song "Tabernacle"
Awaken Generation, Alarice
Sarah Lau
How young is PJ
41 years young
Why don't skeletons go trick or treating
Because they have no body to go with
Which king was struck by leprosy for burning incense in the temple
King Uzziah (2 Chronicles)
If answered correctly, add an ingredient into another team's cup.
If answered wrongly, immediately drink whichever cup Walden deems the nastiest.
From which album is the song "Highs and Lows" from
III by Hillsong Y&F
Who normally fanum taxes Kieran Kwa
Jaevias Tan Jin Young
Why should Maisie always carry a red pen
in case she needs to draw blood
What do you call a can opener that doesn't work
In which valley did David kill Goliath
The valley of Elah
Which Christian band is from Redding, California
Bethel Music
What has five toes but is not your foot
my foot
What is Pastor Wilson's most famous phrase
Shalom Gracians
First person to answer must do a Pastor Wilson impression cuz this is too easy
Why do scarecrows win awards
because they are outstanding in their fields
Where did Jesus perform his first miracle
In a wedding at Galilee
How many BPM is Praise by Elevation Worship
127 BPM
When is Elevate camp
17-20 December 2024
What tattoo did Sis Gao hide under her watch
A Crown Tattoo
how do you organize an outerspace party
you planet
What is the first book to be written in the new testament
1 Thessalonians
Which artist wrote the song "I Thank God"
Who is the biggest alpha in NXTGEN services
Jesus Christ of Nazareth the One True God
Kieran took a picture with whose feet
En Ping
What do you call a sleeping bull