What are the 3 prophecies for Macbeth?
Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and King.
Why does Lady Macbeth make a plan to kill Duncan?
She wants Macbeth to become king so that she can be queen.
What are the 3 prophecies for Banquo?
Lesser than Macbeth but greater, not so happy but happier, and his descendants will be kings.
3rd apparition comes true? (Birnam Wood to Dunsinane Hill)
What are the three apparitions and what do they say?
Severed head: "Beware Macduff", Bloody Child: "Nobody born of a woman shall harm Macbeth". Child wearing a crown holding a tree: "Macbeth won't be defeated until Birnam Wood marches to Dunsinane Hill."
Why does Macbeth not want to kill Duncan?
He is Duncan's host and Duncan just honored him.
She gaslights him, saying he isn't a man because he won't do this.
Why does Banquo suspect Macbeth?
Banquo was there for the prophecy and saw how Macbeth reacted to it.
2nd apparition comes true? (No man born of a Woman shall harm Macbeth)
Macduff is born of a C-section
Who found King Duncan's body?
What does Macbeth do wrong after killing Duncan?
He takes the daggers out of the chambers.
What does Lady Macbeth do when Macbeth emerges from Duncan's chambers?
She takes the daggers from him and sets up the crime scene herself.
How is Banquo killed? Who did it?
Banquo is killed by the three murderers hired by Macbeth, but his son Fleance escapes. Twenty stab wounds are delivered to Banquo's head.
1st apparition comes true? (Beware Macduff)
Macduff is the one who kills Macbeth
Where do Malcolm and Donalbain flee to?
Malcolm goes to England and Donalbain goes to Ireland.
Who does Macbeth have killed and why?
Macbeth has Banquo killed because he knows Banquo suspects him and because the prophecy said Banquo's children will be kings.
What does Lady Macbeth do when Macbeth hallucinates in the banquet scene?
His best friend.
What happens to Lady Macbeth?
She feels guilty and kills herself off stage.
Who is in charge of the witches?
Why is Macbeth confident in himself at the end of the story?
Because he was told nobody born of a woman would harm him.
Why are Lady Macbeth's actions throughout the story ridiculous?
At first, she starts Macbeth on the path of killing, but later in the play she is scared and saying Macbeth is on a rampage.
What does Banquo's ghost do at the banquet?
Banquo's ghost sits in Macbeth's seat and points at him.
What is Malcolm the king of?
King of Scotland
What happens to the Thane of Fife's wife?
She and her children are murdered while Macduff is gone.