A combination of Strengths, weaknesses, and unique characteristics.
What is a Trailman's Character?
Look to God. God's character does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He helps us understand right from wrong. God's nature and character are unchanging.
We Stand, salute, and observe proper flag protocol to show respect for the country the flag represents
What is the Pledge of Allegiance?
The official name of the Troop
What is Trail Life TN 747?
The Recruit Trailman
What is the first Rank a Trailman earns?
Buckets, Rakes and Shovels
What are tools to contain a campfire?
Leadership Skills. Relationships. Service. Worldview
What are basic skills and areas that a Trailman learns and grows in with Traillife.
The Trailman sign. The Trailman Salute. The Trailman handshake.
What ways can you identify a Trailman?
Demonstrate them.
The Current Troop Leader
Who is Allen Douglas?
The next two Ranks earned after the Ready Rank
What are Ridgeline and Journey?
Band Aids, Moleskin, wraps.
What are items to have in a first aid kit?
Trailman's Service
How does a Trailman Serve?
Serve God
Serve Country
Serve family/others
Colossians 1:10
What is the Traillife motto.
"That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God"Walk Worthy
The weather man is calling for wet conditions
IS 747 camping again?
A total of 25 ___________
What is the total number of Trail Badges for earned for the Horizon Rank
Leave it better than we found it.
What is 747's motto for how we leave a campsite or event?
Important Relationships
What are important relationships in a Trailmans life?
Relationship with God.
Relationship with Family
Relationship with friends.
On my Honor. Do your best. Serving God and Country.
Respecting Authority. Good Steward. The Golden RuleWhat are the main parts of the Traillife oath.
Say the Oath.
Two annual events Troop 747 is known for.
What is an Epic Hike and Make or Break?
The highest rank in Traillife.
What is the Freedom Award
Stop, Drop, and Roll
What do you do when your clothes catch fire?
A Trailman's commission in Life.
What is Walk Worthy?
Walk Worthy is a commission to do our best and to get the most out of life by living close to God
Traillife's Six essential concepts of a Christian Worldview
What are the foundational points of Traillife?
Truth Creation
Human Dignity Family
Stewardship Providence
The Key Founding Adult Leader of TN 747
Who was John Rutledge?
The 9 core for the Freedom Award.
Who has earned these badges?
Aquatics, Camping, Fire Ranger, First Aid, Our Flag, Outdoor Cooking, Ropework, Trail skills, and Wood Tools
What Trailman do when Mr. Hastings plans a Epic Hike.