Learning Basics
Learning Theories
Learning Objectives
Training Methods

This term describes a process that is not directly observable, involves changes in behaviour, and is closely tied to memory.

What is learning?


This theory compares the mind to a computer, focusing on how information enters, is processed, and results in outputs.

What is the Information Processing Theory?


This type of learning statement is specific and outlines precise actions, unlike a general statement of intent.

What is an objective?


This traditional training method involves a one-way presentation of information from the speaker to participants.

What is a lecture?


Name two (2) of the basic principles of learning.

- People learn only what they are ready to learn.

- People learn best what they actually perform.

- People Learn from their mistakes.

- People learn easiest what is familiar to them.

- People favour different sense for learning.

- People learn through practise and reinforcement.

- People learn best when they see their own progress.

- People cannot learn what they cannot understand.


Identify the approach that emphasizes the art and science of helping adults learn, a concept heavily influenced by Malcolm Knowles.

What is Andragogy?


This taxonomy divides learning into cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains, establishing a framework for educational objectives.

What is Bloom’s Taxonomy?


This method involves analyzing real-life scenarios relevant to the job to stimulate problem-solving skills.

What is a case study?


What is learning marked by?

What is a change in behaviour?


This theory categorizes learning preferences into Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist, and Reflector, based on the foundational work of Kolb.

What are Peter Honey and Alan Mumford's Learning Styles?


This term refers to the application of skills learned in training back to the job, with factors like practice and task similarity affecting it.

What is transfer of training?


Identify the four-step technique recommended to enhance the effectiveness of this hands-on training method.

What is the Job Instruction Technique (JIT)?
