SF Knowledge

If a vehicle is not USAREUR plated, do not attempt to stop the vehicle unless the subject’s operation of the vehicle displays what?

Result in clear and immediate danger to self and/or others and create a severe traffic hazard  


What form is used to document all traffic violations? 

DD Form 1408, Armed Forces Traffic Ticket 


During Stop, Check and Pass how will you allow traffic onto the installation? 

Take the ID of first individual in traffic, and then take the ID of the second vehicle. Return to the first vehicle and allow one vehicle to proceed at a time as long as the lane remains blocked by additional inbound or outbound traffic


What are the AM/EC’s primary responsibilities?

Monitor the Alarm Entry Control System (AECS) ensuring only authorized Individuals enter and exit the RA (following proper procedures and directives) Controlling communications Monitoring and acknowledging alarms Implementing appropriate Quick Response Checklists (QRC) for given situations


Where does Security Forces apprehension authority come from? 

Rule 302 MCM and Article 7b UCMJ


How are statements obtained from Local Nationals? 

The patrol will advise the subject or the situation and ask if they would like to make a statement using an interpreter, if needed If an interpreter is not available, the subject may accomplish a written statement in their own language (to be translated later) Do not “swear” the subject to the statement.  Have the subject sign in section IV of the statement. If the subject refuses to make a statement, respect the refusal. Do not coerce the subject in any way.  


What is a DD Form 2701 and when is it used? 

DD Form 2701, Initial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime. This form is issued to all personnel when criminal conduct adversely affects victims or when witnesses provide information regarding criminal activity. If in doubt, issue the form. 


What are the gate runner procedures?

Immediately deploy the vehicle barriers by pressing the emergency pop-up button outside the gate shack (if the gate has one).  Notifying the LED will not delay the employment of the barrier system.  Make note of any actions or statement the driver or occupants may have made or stated.  

  Obtain a detailed description of the vehicle (i.e. vehicle make/model, license plate number, color, country registered, direction of travel, number of occupants and description of occupants/driver) and relay the information over the net to the DS. When announcing over the net, the following shall be stated by the IEC:  “Gate Runner, Gate Runner Gate Runner Golf-X”, followed by status of barrier employment, vehicle information and subject description.  If the barrier system fails to deploy, give last known direction of travel.  At this point, one gate member will utilize the Chase vehicle to pursue the subject vehicle.  NOTE:  The chase vehicle will not initiate a high-risk traffic stop until additional units arrive on-scene. 

Immediately close all traffic at all gates for that installation and notify PONDS (if incident occurred on Vogelweh).  The FS or higher is the only person authorized to release traffic.  Stop, check & pass procedures shall stay in effect until the vehicle is found or a thorough search has been conducted on the installation.  

If contact is made determine reason for failing to stop, identify all occupants, obtain all information for the blotter/report, and (if non-military affiliated) detain until Polizei arrival.  If military affiliated apprehend/detain and process report.  All patrolmen/gate guards/witnesses will complete an AF IMT 1168.  Notify chain of command (S3) prior to contacting command post.  


What are the priority maintenance times in the event of a lighting deficiency? 

Emergency- response time within 24 hrs 

Urgent- response time within 7 days 

Routine- within 30 calendar days  


How many type of recalls are there and what are they? 

Alpha- Telephone notification/recall

Bravo- Selective recall 

Charlie- Military Recall

Delta- Total Recall 

Echo- communication outage Recall


What is the Weingarten Amendment?

 This federal law allows US civilian employees that are being interviewed by US law enforcement personnel, as a subject or suspect, the right to have a union representative present during questioning if the employee reasonably believes that the examination will result in disciplinary action.


What form is passed out to all posts and patrols in conjunction with a photograph for a missing person/runaway?  

AF Form 1361, PickUp/Restriction Order  


What are the procedures for a Political Asylum request?

Perform a simple frisk (required), out of public view if possible, and remove any weapons the subject may have in his/her possession and receipt them via DD 2817- Evidence Tag. Advise the patrol transporting the subject whether a simple frisk was conducted. NOTE: Searches of females shall be deferred until a female SF/MP/ZP is available to conduct it.  

Search any hand-carried items the subject has in their possession, i.e., briefcase, purse, backpack, or luggage. Once searched, set the items outside the gate house, preferably behind a barrier. Ensure the items are in an area that can be observed at all times. 

Do not engage the subject in conversation, nor allow anyone except authorized officials to do so. Do not confine or restrain the subject if they desire to leave the installation; however, inform the KMC LED of all pertinent information and direction of travel. EXCEPTION: If the subject committed a criminal act, detain the individual and the KMC LED will inform Polizei.  


What must the AM/EC annotate in the Delta Base Blotter?

Work orders affecting the security of the area, DV visits, emergency responses, Covered Wagons, FPCON changes, daily checks, exercises, all deviations pertaining to the area, daily sensor tests, and quarterly sensor checks.  


What are the four Authority’s Security Forces members have?

Security forces members have four authorities: detain, apprehend, report and correct.


How are detained persons released? 

Foreign citizens and US civilians not affiliated with DoD are released to Polizei.  If Polizei refuses to take custody of the individual, contact S3O.  If directed, release the individual on their own recognizance and escort them off the installation 

DoD civilians are released via DD Form 2708 to their supervisor or commander

 Family members of active duty military personnel are released via DD Form 2708 to their sponsor.  If the sponsor is involved in the incident, the sponsor’s First Sergeant or Commander will sign for them.

Air Force personnel are released via DD Form 2708 to their First Sergeant. If the First Sergeant is unavailable, they will be released to their commander. If both are not available, the individual will be released to an E-7/MSergeant or above and is at least one grade higher than the individual being receipted for 

Army personnel are released via DD Form 2708 to an E-7 or above.  If an E-7 is unavailable, the Army Desk Sergeant may authorize release to another designated representative 

Officers are released via DD Form 2708 to their commander or whom the commander designates. If the unit commander or designated representative is unavailable or refuses to accept custody, the chain of command is utilized and each level is notified until a commander accepts custody of the individual 


What two forms can a Security Forces member use to conduct a Rights Advisement?

AF Form 1168, Statement of Suspect/Witness/Complainant, and AFVA 31-231, Advisement of Rights. 


4. What areas within the KMC are under the control of the US Military?

The Vogelweh Family Housing Area Ramstein Air Base (RAB) East Gate access road: L-369 from K-22/JacobPfeifferstrasse traffic circle to RAB East Gate turnoff Ramstein West Gate access road: CTS Compound to the RAB West Gate. The 86 SFS is the primary agency for the West Gate access road K-25 from the East Gate traffic circle to the entrance to Rodenbach village (along the perimeter fence of the Weilerbach Munitions Storage Area) All facilities contained on KMC Air Force installations, or other  geographically separated facilities  


A Partial system failures are defined by what conditions and/or circumstances

1. An i can cross only one sensor providing a detection capability without being detected at areas where two or more sensors form a line of detections at the boundary. 2. A portion of the facility or individual resource IDS fails. 3. Once CCTV camera in one sector fails. 


What does Article 20 of the NATO SOFA state? 

“The military authorities of a sending state (United States) may, without a warrant of arrest, take into temporary custody any person not subject to their jurisdiction”, for the following reason(s): If such person is caught or pursued in flagrante delicto and either the identity of the person cannot be established immediately or there is reason to believe that the person may flee from justice or if requested by German authority or if such a person is a member of a force or of the civilian component of another sending state (United Kingdom, Canada, etc.), upon the request by an authority of that state.”  


 Upon notification that a suspected shoplifter has been detained at a retail facility, the DS will dispatch a patrol to investigate the incident.  The patrolman will do what upon arrival? 

Conduct all matters concerning the suspect out of the public view Ensure all pertinent information identifying the complainant, witnesses, and subject is recorded Obtain a written statement from the complainant and any witnesses.  The statement will include detailed accounts of all observations  If available, review the closed caption television video footage; this will assist in verifying that a larceny was committed.  Request the applicable footage be copied to a DVD/CD, receipt on DD 2817 and collect as evidence Advise the suspect of their rights via AF Form 1168 before initiating an interview. Account for items shoplifted by the subject via DD 2817


If the Cross Match finger print system is un-available what form will patrols use to collect fingerprints?

Form FD-249 Arrest and Institution Fingerprint Form


Who is authorized expedited entry onto Vogelweh Main Base and Einsiedlerhof? 

 USAFE/CC, USAFE/CV, 3 AF/CC and certain distinguished visitors  


What are the procedures for inoperative alarms at facilities containing AA&E? 

If feasible, owner/user will move AA&E IAW AFMAN 91-201 USAFE Supplement, Explosives Safety Standards to an authorized facility with operational alarms or 24 hour manned If unable to reduce or transfer AA&E, the owner/user agency is responsible for protection and will provide 24 hour on-scene surveillance. 

For firearms storage facilities, the person posted must be armed at all times Areas storing 29 or fewer category IV (4) weapons and associated ammunition may store them in a GSA approved Class 5 container without IDE  


What form is used if a bomb threat is received via telephone?

AF Form 440/Bomb Threat Aid 
