STAAR Accommodations
STAAR Eligibility
STAAR Assessments
Linguistic accommodations for STAAR in math, science and social studies
What is bilingual dictionary and extra time (same day)?
ELLs must be in grades 3-5 to be eligible for this assessment
What is STAAR Spanish?
STAAR Assessment that is not available in reading and writing
What is STAAR L?
One responsibility of the LPAC committee
What is following administrative procedures, making decisions on an individual student basis, working as a committee to make decisions, and maintaining required documentation?
True or false: You can use PLDs during training and calibration.
What is true? It is encouraged, but notes must be destroyed after calibration.
Linguistic accommodations for STAAR L
What is BD, XT (same day), CE and RA (provided in the online interface)?
Three eligibility requirements for STAAR L
What is ineligible for STAAR Spanish, have not attained AH in TELPAS reading in grades 2 and up, and are within the first 3 years of enrollment in US schools/first 5 for unschooled asylee/refugee?
STAAR assessment available in a student's native language
What is STAAR Spanish?
The LPAC decision-making process supports the implementation of these two things. . .
What is ELPS and TEKS?
Opportunity for ELLs in grades 2-12 to become familiar with the online interface before the reading assessment
What is the TELPAS student tutorial?
Grades that can use a standard English dictionary, ESL, sign language, and BD and it's not considered a linguistic accommodation
Who is grades 6 and up?
Eligibility can be carried over from spring to the July and December administrations
What is STAAR L EOC?
Assessment that students should take if the bilingual dictionary and extra time accommodations will suffice
What is STAAR?
True or false: The LPAC process does not monitor our ELLs progress and linguistic supports they receive.
What is false? It does help monitor both student progress and the support they are receiving.
Two categories of ELLs in which we are required to collect and submit additional data on as required by TEA?
Who is unschooled asylees/refugees and students with interrupted formal education (SIFE)?
Linguistic accommodations for STAAR A in Reading, Writing, English I, and English II
What is dictionaries of various types, XT, CE of word meaning?
True or false: an individual student can take two different versions of the STAAR in different subjects in the spring administrations
What is true? A student can take STAAR L in math and STAAR in reading, etc.
STAAR assessment that has an online interface that provides students with clarification in English of word meaning and reading aloud of text
What is STAAR L?
Attendance required at LPACs for ELLs with disabilities
Who is the student's ARD/Section 504 committee?
True or false: A student's years in US schools can decrease this year.
What is false? It can only stay the same as last year or increase by one.
Reason for giving an ELL linguistic accommodations on a STAAR assessment
What is routine use of the accommodation in the classroom, linguistic needs of the student. . .?
STAAR assessments that ELLs might qualify for on the basis of their disability, not their second language acquisition
What is STAAR A and STAAR ALT 2?
Before taking the STAAR L assessment, students need the opportunity to. . .(two things)
What is having two opportunities to take the STAAR L tutorial and one opportunity to complete the STAAR L Practice Set?
LPACs must coordinate with this person to ensure that participation and accommodation decisions are available in time to make testing arrangements
Who is the testing coordinator?
Person that you must coordinate with to make sure your students' data is correct on the TELPAS roster
Who is the campus testing coordinator?