Name two lits by Keeli
Home, Window, Reload reset yeehaw, Trainstation oneshots
A character who dies in their lore
Charles, Blaire, Elle
A bisexual OC
Aaron, Amelia, Roxanne, Cathy, Brick, Amaris, Gill, Xander
Name a demon OC
Osiris, Dolion, Nyx, Sky (Coal demon),
The longest literature
Stops at the Station
A character who can read, but not write
An occupation there is only ONE of on the Train
Tailor, animal keeper, navigator, Brakeman, Inspector, Mailperson, Night guard, Psychiatrist, Goober
Character that's tagged in the most literatures
Aaron Sherwood
The character with the biggest family
Valcon, 25 siblings
This OC adopted a different accent than their original one
Nikolai, french
Aaron, Osiris, Mia, Valcon
The first character to get a literature
Amelia Shilling
2 Characters that grew up in orphanages
Roxanne, Bandit
This OC dislikes silence
An OC who owns a gun
Lu, Percy, Elle, Bandit, Colt
The 2 literatures written by Espy (Arcturnal)
Logbook, the black dog
This Character's occupation was made up by Aaron, it's not real
Spice, Goober
This OC's name means 'Devil' in a different language
Teivel (Yiddish)
The newest Trainsona