Conversions and Math
Blood Spatter
Cartridge and Bullet ID
Et Cetera
This many inches is equal to 47 centimeters.
What is 18.5 inches?
This type of bloodstain results from objects coming into contact with existing bloodstains and leaving wipes, swipes, and smears.
What is Transferred Blood Stain.
How many inches wide is a 50 caliber bullet?
What is 0.5 (one half) inches?
What is the study of a projectile in motion.
What is ballistics?
This is the term for weapons that use a confined explosive to propel a projectile.
What is a firearm.
This many centimeters is equal to 27.6 meters.
What is 2760 centimeters?
These bloodstains typically occur as a result from gravity acting on an injured body, allowing blood to drop straight down.
What is Passive Blood Stains?
These grooves and lands in the barrel of a gun make identifiable impressions on a fired bullet, causing it to spin.
What is rifling?
When firing a gun, this may be done to increase the distance of the projectile.
What is increasing the height, angle, or powder load. Etc.
These characteristics of a gun/cartridge may be considered class evidence.
What are caliber, gun type, rifling pattern, manufacturer, etc.
There are this many feet in 893 centimeters.
What is 29.3 feet?
These stains are the result of blood projecting or being sprayed through the air and are usually seen as spatter.
What are Impact or Projected blood stains?
This is how many millimeters wide a 30 caliber bullet is.
What is 7.62mm?
These forces are exerted on a projectile in flight and may affect it's trajectory. Name at least 2.
What are air resistance, drag, gravity, or wind deflection.
This is known as the magic bullet theory.
This bullet was fired and went through both the president, Texas Gov. John Connally, bending in mid flight and suffered no damage.
There are 3895 millimeters in this many yards.
What is 4.26 yards?
This type of impression will result from the transfer of blood from a shoe or finger onto a second surface.
What is a patent impression?
These are the major parts of a modern cartridge.
What are the bullet, case, powder, and primer. Rim optional.
This is the direction a sniper might want to adjust his aim with a 8 mph wind coming from the Northeast.
What is Southwest?
These are the components of a catapult.
What are Arm, Base, Elastic Force, and Fulcrum.
A robber escapes with a bag of cash and drives across a parking lot. The parking area is rectangular at 165 feet wide and 540 inches long. The robber drove from one corner to the other corner diagonally across the area before jumping into another getaway vehicle. How far did the robber drive?
What is 171 feet or 2052.3 inches?
Draw and label what shape you might expect blood droplets to form when they impact a flat surface at 0, 40, and 80 degrees.
Round (0) , oblong or ovoid (40), and extremely stretched (80).
These characteristics may be used to tell bullets and casings from different guns apart and can be considered individual evidence.
What are machining or manufacturing marks, firing pin marks, etc.?
Lee Harvey Oswald fired at JFK (81 meters away) from the 6th floor (24 meters high) of Texas Book Depository. This is how far the bullet traveled from the 6th floor to JFKs limousine.
What is 84.5 meters.
What is wrong with this experiment? Experimenting with the marshmallow guns, Jack and Jill decided that they wanted to compare the trajectories of their regular and modified marshmallow guns at different angles using different projectiles. Jack shot the standard gun at 0 and 30 degrees using marshmallows, three times each. Jill shot the modified gun in the other direction at 15 and 45 degree angles using Skittles. Unfortunately, she ran out of time, and only got 2 trials at each angle.
There are two variables being changed. Both guns should be tested at the same angles for comparison They are using different projectiles in each gun. Etc.