How long did Brenda drop out of school for before returning
2 weeks
What was the car that Simon/Stephen's dad drove (car make, type and model) for nearly 2 decades
A toyota camry executive station wagon (1991)
Who slapped Paige when she had a seizure (1/2) and what did that person insert in her mouth (2/2)
Aunty Joanne / Spoon
Which countries have Serena solo-travelled to (points awarded per country)
China, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand, England, Italy
How and where did Kelvin propose to Jen
What was the highschool that Simon first attended
Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt Campus
What was grandpa's profession in Vietnam
Cushion carpenter - built cushion material - car seats / soccer balls etc.
What bone(s) has Brendan broken and how?
His arm while riding a bike
Soi e's nose when she picked him up
What is Simon/Stephen's mum's english name
What does Jen do for work?
She is a payment manager (executive manager at CBA)