Pack Animals
Mansa Musa
Miscellaneous (AP-MC) x2 points!

What is an oasis?

A place where human settlement is possible because water from deep underground is brought to the surface, making the land fertile.


Which animal was the most revolutionary during the peak of trans-Saharan trade?



True or False:

The Mali Empire was more prosperous than its predecessor, the Ghana Empire.



What role of leadership was Mansa Musa known for?

Religious leadership


The trade and cultural links with the Islamic world, on which Timbuktu's growth depended, could not have been forged without _____________.

A. horses

B. camels

C. the lateen sail

D. wagons capable of traversing the desert

B. camels


Describe the conditions of the Sahara Desert.

-Arid climate → almost impossible to farm

-Lack of necessary resources (water)

-Harsh terrain + conditions (high temperature) made conventional methods ineffective


Name four common pack animals used throughout regions of the world.






How did Sundiata, the founding ruler of Mali, use his faith/religion as an advantage to his state's prosperity?

Sundiata was Muslim; he used connections with others of his faith to establish trade relationships with North African and Arab merchants to bolster his economy.


What year did Mansa Musa plan his main pilgrimage to Mecca? 



In addition to wealth, the Mali are credited with the diffusion of which of the following in Northern Africa?

A. Capitalism

B. Christianity

C. The Bubonic Plague

D. Islam

D. Islam


What was the most precious commodity of the trans-Saharan trade routes? Where did they acquire it?

Gold; waters of the Senegal River


Which pack animals became obsolete after the integration of camels into trans-Saharan trade?

Horses and Donkeys


True or False and Explain (use evidence):

The people of West Africa implemented slavery into their society. 


"The Pilgrimage to Mecca included 100 camels, thousands of slaves and soldiers, and gold to distribute."

"Hierarchy: royalty, elite, merchants, military/religious, peasants, slaves"


True or False:

The efforts of Mansa Musa succeeded. 


Mansa Musa's impact on Islam still remains as a prominent presence in the African region today.


Which of the following Islamic traditions encouraged the development of Timbuktu?

A. The hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca

B. Zakat, the tradition of giving alms to the poor

C. The shahadah, or profession of faith

D. Salat, praying five times a day facing Mecca

A. The hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca


Describe the overall influence and impact of the trans-Saharan trade routes.

-brought considerable wealth to societies of West Africa

-spread Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa

-extended influence and prosperity throughout Europe and Asia

-human adaption to Sahara Desert conditions allowed for more exchanges of goods, cultures, and ideas across global regions


Camels began to emerge and become more relevant around 300 C.E. What influence did the camels have on other transport animals and innovations?

Because of camels, usage of other varieties of pack animals declined in the Sahara desert. The influx of camels into the scene also resulted in the innovations of unique saddles reserved for different purposes.


How did the cities of Timbuktu and Gao contribute to Mali's status and identity?

The renowned cities of Timbuktu and Gao accumulated extraordinary wealth and developed into centers of Muslim life in the African region. Specifically, Timbuktu became a famed center of Islamic learning with its implementation of books. As a result, both regional and foreign scholars were drawn into Mali's empire, contributing to its diffusion of influence. 


Describe Mansa Musa's religious contributions to the Mali Empire.

-established religious schools

-built mosques in Muslim trading cities

-sponsored those who wanted to continue their religious studies elsewhere

-deepened support for Islam in Mali


A similarity between the Silk Road and the Trans Saharan trade route was _________________.

A. The use of the camel saddle for transport of goods

B. Dependence on Berber merchants to facilitate trade

C. Reliance on the Mongol military to protect the routes

D. Silk being the predominant trade good on both routes

A. The use of the camel saddle for transport of goods.


Which of the following resources, coming out of Africa, were desired most by other regions?

A. Spices and silver

B. Cotton and dyes

C. Oil and precious stones

D. Gold and ivory

D. Gold and ivory


Out of all the pack animals utilized, why was the camel the most effective and beneficial to inhabitants throughout the trans-Saharan trade routes?

A. Camels were easily controllable and had a calm disposition, making them flexible towards the harsh terrain and conditions of the Saharan Desert.

B. Camels were particularly fast and could cover more distance over a short amount of time. With their tall humps, they granted soldiers a great advantage on the battlefield. 

C. The camel was capable of carrying substantial loads up to 600 pounds and was highly adaptable to the consumables found in the surrounding environment, which made it a reliable choice for most merchants.

D. The camel was the only animal that could cross deserts effectively and possessed an extremely high level of stamina. 

C. The camel was capable of carrying substantial loads up to 600 pounds and was highly adaptable to the consumables found in the surrounding environment, which made it a reliable choice for most merchants.


This sculpture best supports which of the following inferences about the Mali?

A. The Mali acquired much of their wealth through horse breeding and trade.

B. Sculpture was an important artistic medium in Mali culture.

C. The Mali capital was sufficiently large and prosperous enough to support an artisan class.

D. Social status among the Mali middle classes was determined by victories in battle and conquests.

B. Sculpture was an important artistic medium in Mali culture.


Verbal SAQ:

"We have so much work ahead, to stand still wouldn't be reasonable."    -Mansa Musa

How does Mansa Musa's quote correlate to his actions presented in this section?

Sample Answer:

The given quote directly represents Mansa Musa's religious devotion to his faith of Islam. For instance, he demonstrates his vital role as a religious leader by spreading his influence through his pilgrimage to Mecca. Utilizing his tremendous wealth, he expanded the identity of the Mali state and deepened his devotion to Islam to great extents. As a result, Mansa Musa reflects his words by establishing religious institutions and aiding others of similar faith, creating a lasting impact throughout the African regions.


Which of the following BEST explains the drastic decline of Timbuktu and Mali after 1500? (utilize critical thinking)

A. The rise of the Ottoman Turks 

B. The rise of Europe and the West

C. The Black Death

D. The colonization of Africa

B. The rise of Europe and the West

As Western Europe developed, it severely decreased the influence of Mali and Timbuktu around African regions. With the formation of other trade centers and foreign powers, Mali could not enjoy their once dominant control over commercial wealth.
