employee 1 Is very hard working and does his best to influence others and provide ideas and opinions for his job while employee 2 is not hard working and doesn't try to help the jobs who applied more ethics
Employee 1
what is professionalism
Career-ready-Professional individual take personal ownership of their own educational and career goals.
A company has a project to complete in groups. what skills would the group need
Teamwork Skills
what are communication skills
career ready individuals communicate in the workplace with clarity and purpose to effectively share their opinions
Two people get into a argument and a Person gets involved to to resolve it. what type of skills does this person have?
Problem Solving Skills
What are Ethics
Career ready individuals consistently act in ways that align to personal and community held ideals and principle
what is something a person who is a expert at something and good with using professionalism might be called?
Team 1 is arguing and not getting any work done team 2 is working together as a team and are almost finish with their work which team has better teamwork skills
Person 1 is not good with working with others and communicating but manages to make chances for new jobs. person 2 is good at communicating working with others and makes great chance for something new. Which is better with communication person 1 or person 2.
person 2
how are problem solving skills used
Problem solving skills are used for problems and challenging situations and to resolve them
Hard Working and sharing ideas with other in a company while influencing opinions and ideas for the success of the company.
a person who use professionalism
must be to able to to make wise decision and good career choices and take control of their responsibilities
Communication friendship being able to communicate in a workplace being able to share opinions and work together effectively and teamwork
Team work skills and traits
communication within a workplace with clarity and purposely sharing opinion ideas and action plans
traits and skills need for communication
what are problem solving skills
career ready individual readily recognize challenges and devise effective plans to solve the challenge
how are Ethics applied
making ideals and principles while employing strategies to positively influence others in a work place
ownership Communication wise decisions being able to take responsibility's for work and behavior and and work effectively and productively with others
skills and traits that is need for professionalism
what are Teamwork skills
career ready individuals know how to work well and effectively with others especially to analyze situation
Communication-Skills is used
Used for communication with others and to influence others within a Job
skills and trait for problem solving skills