Reported Speech XII
The Passive Voice XIII
Adjectives and Determiners XIV
Adverbials XV
Miscellaneous XVI

"If Pete came to school today, I should be surprised."

She said _______

She said that if Pete came to school on that day she would be surprised.


It's impossible that Margaret could have carried such a heavy stone here.

A stone ______

1. A stone that heavy couldn't have been carried here by Margaret.

2. A stone as heavy as that would have been impossible for Margaret to carry here.


There wasn't anybody in the house.

There was _______

There was nobody in the house. 


I met Mary just as I left the house. 

I had hardly _____

1. I had hardly left the house before I met Mary.

2. I had hardly left the house when I met Mary


The wood split in the dry air. 

The dry air __________

The dry air split the wood. 


"Shall I give you anything to drink?"

My sister ______

1. My sister asked me if she should give me anything to drink. 

2. My sister offered me a drink. 


Queen Elizabeth considered Shakespeare a genius.

Shakespeare __________

Shakespeare was considered a genius (by Queen Elizabeth).


They helped Mary with her housework, which was nice of them. 

It was ________

It was nice of them to help Mary with her housework.


I haven't been to the opera since 1985!

I haven't _____ 

I haven't been to the opera for ... years.


After twenty years in prison at last he was free. 

After twenty years in prison at last he was at ______

After twenty years in prison at last he was at liberty. 


"What is the weather like today?"

He inquired _______

He inquired what the weather was like on that day.


I find eating with chopsticks difficult.

I am ______

1. I am hopeless at eating with chopsticks.

2. I am not used/accustomed to eating with chopsticks.


There were so few people present that I had to cancel the concert. 

The audience _____

The audience was so small that I had to cancel the concert. 


She entered the room and saw a man on the floor.

When _______

When she entered the room, she saw a man on the floor. 


Bananas are more expensive than apples.

Apples _______

1. Apples are cheaper than bananas. 

2. Apples are not as expensive as bananas.


"Don't you like cats?"

He asked ______

He asked me if I liked cats.


They all had a good time.

A good ______

A good time was had by all (of them).


I love the days on which you visit us. 

I love the days ______

I love the days (when) you visit us. 


I caught the flu as soon as I had recovered from measles.

I had hardly _____ 

I had hardly recovered from measles when/before I caught the flu.


He doesn't want to stay at home tonight.

He doesn't fancy ______

1. He doesn't fancy staying at home tonight.

2. He doesn't fancy staying in tonight.


"What is her sister's name?"

I want to know ______

I want to know what her sister's name is.


They thought at first that Peter had drowned. 

Peter ___________

Peter was at first thought to have drowned. 


There's a funny smell in your room.

You room _______

Your room smells funny.


How are they travelling?

By ______

By what means are they travelling?


I spent a month studying for my exam.

It _______

It took a month to study for my exam. 
