_______________ how to do the Cupid Shuffle, the Dougie, and the Electric Slide, I would need to show you a video of someone doing it on YouTube or Tik Tok.
a. To illustrate
b. Eventually
c. Hence
d. Furthermore
What is to illustrate?
In order to sing like Justin Beiber, first, you need to get a Beiber hair do. Then, you need to dye your hair blond. Finally, you need to learn Beiber dance moves.
What is first, then, and finally?
in addition to
What is in addition to?
At Walmart, my aunt bought me new pants, shirts, a pair of shoes and a jacket.
_______________ the threat of a hurricane, KIPP canceled school.
a. Furthermore
b. Consequently
c. Hence
d. Due to
What is due to?
Ms. Sara and Ms. Marybeth are compassionate people. However while Ms. Sara has brown hair, Ms. Marybeth has blond hair.
What is however?
What is although?
At the concert, I could not see Kodak Black but I could hear him.
What is except or however or although
At the end of the school day, Mr. Neighbors is always very tired. _______________, he takes a two hour nap when he gets home.
a. Hence
b. Eventually
c. Furthermore
d. Consequently
What is hence?
What is consequently
I make my own cleaning supplies because they are better for the environment. Furthermore, they are cheaper.
What is furthermore?
In addition to finishing Ms. Maddox's homework, I finished Mr. Bass's too.
What is as well as?
Ms. Karyn forgot to take the sweet potato pie out of the oven. _______________, the pie was burnt.
a. as a result
b. initially
c. therefore
What is therefore?
What is as a result?
Ms. Gallimore really likes Beyonce. Therefore, she bought Renaissance World Tour tickets.
What is therefore?
Ms. Karyn said, "I want to you write an essay about a famous Black History figure; furthermore, I want you to present the information to the class."
What is also, additionally, or and
Cedric wants to be a master of kung fu. _______________, after many years of studying, he received a black belt.
a. eventually
b. consequently
c. furthermore
d. initially
What is eventually?
What is consequently?
Speaking two languages has many benefits. For example, students who know two languages will usually outperform students who only know one language.
What is for example?
On the other hand
What is on the other hand?
KIPP doesn't allow students to wear what they want to school, but Mr. Neighbors doesn't agree with this rule.
What is however or except?