Interview Skills
Life Skills
Hygiene Skills
Resume Skills
Workplace Skills

The first thing you should do in an interview

What is shake the interviewer's hand?


This is a skill you will need to be a successful independent adult

What is cooking, money management, transportation, communication, work ethic, personal hygiene (both personal and within a household)


This is how you should wash your hands

What is 20 seconds with warm water, make bubbles, scrub all over hand/wrists/forearms, rinse, dry hands with paper towel, shut faucet off with paper towel, and open the door with paper towel

This is why a resume is important

What is so you can show your achievements, education, skills, and job experience?


This is the role in which somebody would need to have good people skills and a friendly personality

What is a greeter


This should not be the condition of your resume

What is crumpled, folded, bent, stained, have mistakes, handwritten?


This is a piece of paper that can take place of cash or a credit/debit card

What is a check

This is how often you should take a shower

What is AT LEAST once a day (you should shower after you do any activity that results in you sweating)


This is what else is supposed to go with a resume

What is a cover letter and references?


This is the role where you could start and work your way up the professional ladder

What is a cashier/sales associate


This is what you should NOT do during an interview

What is chew gum, whisper (or yell), sit unprofessionally, talk only about yourself, be on your phone, ask only about money, assume you got the job


This is what you need when you apply for a job interview

What is two different forms of identification (bonus for if you can name two DIFFERENT forms of identification)

This is how often you should clean (sweep, mop, vacuum, put on clean sheets and pillowcases, clean counters/tables, etc) your room/house

What is once a week


This is the section that could contain the following descriptions: independent task initiator, effective communicator, and good time management

What is the skills section


This skill is CRUCIAL when working as a stocker

What is good organization skills


This is what you should do at the end of an interview

What is thank the interviewer for their time 

This is what you will need to practice in class in order to make documents official and professional

What is writing your name in cursive


This is how you should brush your teeth

What is with warm water twice a day with toothpaste for AT LEAST 2 minutes, brush your tongue, floss your teeth and use fluoride mouthwash


This is what you need to have in order to get your dream job/career

What is related experience in the appropriate field(s)


This is a soft skill that you need to be a good manager

What is good communication, good time management, good at delegating job tasks for each person's skills, good at conflict resolution, and good at motivating employees


What is the ONE thing you should make sure you do during the interview

What is ask questions about the position you're applying for and/or about the company's opportunities/core values


This is what you will need to learn and memorize in order to travel to place

What is public transportation maps/schedule


This is how often you should change your toothbrush

What is once a month (or sooner if you are just getting over being sick)

This is the main headings for a typical format

What is the personal information/contact section, skills section, experience section, education section, awards (if applicable) section, and references section (can be on a separate paper) 


This is what will happen if you don't learn anything from Jared and Kate's class

What is be unsuccessful at being an independent adult in the community
