Advanced Courses
Middle vs High

What is Grade Point Average of all courses taken on a scale of unweighted 4.0?

Your GPA. Your beginning GPA is 0.0. Your first semester is your most important semester. 


What is Pre-AP or Honors courses?

Usually taken in 9th and 10th grade year to prepare for AP classwork. If you take an honors course you fo not have to take an AP course though. 


What is Zoo School?  Applications are in the office and due soon!!!

Courses taken at the ZOO. You have to have a minimum of 2 classes at the zoo. You may go one semester or two.  All Agriculture classes are taught at the Zoo. 


What is the number of classes you take each year? 

 8 classes


What is CTE? 

Career and Technical Education. These are classes are more hands-on and you will learn how to apply things you learn in your academic courses.  Ex. Advance Manufacturing, Technology, Health Science, Biomed Technology


What is your ranking compared to all students in your graduating class?

Class Rank.  Higher rank can help with scholarships or getting into programs that you choose. 


What is an AP course?

Course you take in high school where a exam is given and college credit can be granted. Examples:

AP World History, AP US History, AP English 11 and 12, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Calculus, etc. 


What is Health Science Academy?

Students who are interested in a career in health science can participate in this school within a school. Applications will be available soon.


What is the number of classes you take each semester? 



What is Apprenticeship Randolph? 

Apprenticeship Randolph is a opportunity for you to work for PAY and go to school while you attend classes to complete your degree.  Programs currently in the Manufacturing Fields.  Grades and attendance are important for this program. 


What is the number of credits of English, Math, Social Studies, Science and PE?

English - 4

Math - 4

SS - 4

Science - 3

PE - 1


What is dual enrollment or Career and College Promise?

These courses count toward high school and college credit at the same time. example Taking US History at RCC and earning college and high school credit. 


Sign up on-line. Must be 14.5 by first day of class. You must be academically eligible. How do I get my driver's license? 

Sign up on-line. Must be 14.5 by first day of class. You must be academically eligible. NOTE!!! There is a limited number of students who can sign up each time.  


What is how long each class is at high school? 

 90 minutes


What is the Automotive Academy? 

You will take Automotive classes as early as your 9th grade year. You will take class these classes at RCC. Classes are free and will count toward your AAS degree and certification. 


What is the minimum number of foreign language credits required for admissions to the UNC system? 

2. Foreign Language is not required unless you plan on attending a school in the UNC System. Most private 4 year schools require 2 foreign languages. 


What is the difference between honor courses and regular courses in regards to your GPA?

Regular courses an A is worth 4 points. And Honors is 4.25.  Any college courses (AP or at RCC) are 4.5 


What are the requirements to be eligible for athletics?

Passing a minimum of 3 course during previous semester and be in attendance of 85%


What is the number of credits I need to graduate?

28. You will have an opportunity to earn up to 32 by taking 8 classes per year for 4 years.


What is Job Shadowing? 

Through CTE you can spend sometime shadowing someone in the profession that you are interested in. This is available your 10th grade year.  Behavior and attendance in school is important. 


What are college entrance exams? 

ACT/SAT - Note if you are attending RCC you will take a placement exam


What is the test that you will need to pass in order to earn credit for a course? 

EOC ( End of Course Exam), NCFE, or Teacher made exam. Each courses has some form of exam at the end of the course. 


Who are the high school counselors?

Ms. Smith is the 9th grade counselor. Ms. Tune, Ms. Walker, and Mr. Robbins work with grades 10-12. You are assigned by your last name. 


When is attendance and /or tardies taken?  

Every class takes attendance and counts tardies. 


What is an internship? 

Honors level your you can take 11th or 12th grade year where you do work base learning in a career field of your choice.  You may or may not get paid.  You will need to take 2 CTE courses in the area.  
