What should you do if you have a problem or question and need support?
Talk to the school counselor or a trusted adult
Students are expected to do this when they miss a day of class
Ask the teacher for make up work
Time that a teacher has set aside to help students after school
This is a standardized test that everyone must take before being accepted into college
This is important because it ensures that you are not missing any class time and that you are not missing important concepts and units in class.
Good Attendance
Something that you use that can potentially get you in to trouble if you don't think before you post
Social Media
What are AP Classes?
College like courses and typically taken during the junior and senior years.
It is important to get to know this person at school because they will help you with any issues you have at school and can you send your college applications/job applications as a senior.
School Counselor
Grade Point Average (1.0 -.4.0)
Term for setting aside time to review notes and concepts from class ?
Something that tends to increase when you enter high school and means being held accountable
A skill that will help you easily find your work and turn it in on time
Using this can help students keep track of assignments
Planner or Notebook
One difference between middle and high school
What is Name one difference
Some students pay less for college if they have a GPA close to or above this
Something that can be distracting and confiscated if seen with it in class
Cell Phone
What to do if you have additional questions about an assignment
Ask the teacher during class or in tutoring
This is a good place in the school to study, meet with a group of students to work on a project, or read a book.
One Major Freshman MYTH?
My freshman year doesn't count. If I mess up, I can always get back on track.
What is an elective course?
any course that doesn't align with the mandatory curriculum, you can choose these classes
Something that can influence you to make a decision that you normally wouldn't or that goes against what you believe
Peer Pressure
What is one of the last things you will need to participate in, in order to earn credit for a course?
End of Course Exam
Examples of Services offered by counselors?
Grief and Loss, Family Issues, Coping Skills, Harassment, Relationships, Drop-Out Prevention
One tip for a smooth start as a high school student?
What is Give one tip for a smooth start
This is a great opportunity for those that want to learn a trade
Career Tech