Where is Weldon Middle School located?
Halifax, NC
What is located in the hallway and you can place your belongings inside?
Where can you go at the middle school to study and research?
A student is looking at you.
What are Weldon Middle School's colors?
Blue and gold
How many classes will you have at Weldon Middle School?
5 or 6 classes
What is a great way to meet new friends in middle school?
Be friendly to others and join school clubs and sports.
A student told you, "when we get off the bus, we are going to jump that boy or girl".
What grade level starts at Weldon Middle School?
5th grade
What extra activities can you participate in at Weldon Elementary?
School clubs
In middle school, your teachers will give you more of this....
homework, research, projects and responsibilities.
You overheard a student say they will bring a weapon to school. What should you do?
What is the last grade level at Weldon Middle School?
8th grade
What is one of the biggest differences in middle school compared to elementary school?
Being more responsible.
If you need help on assignments, who should you talk to?
A group of students were talking about you.
What is the mascot for Weldon Middle School?
Junior Chargers
In middle school, you will be required to do more work. What can you do to make sure you do a good job on your assignments?
Attend classes as scheduled.
Do your assignments/homework.
Ask for help if you do not understand your assignments.
Read and study even if you do not have any assignments to complete.
If you need to speak to someone about a problem you are having (personal, at school), who should you speak to?
School Counselor
Any adult you can trust that will help you.
Someone left their locker opened.