Where do we go to eat lunch?
The cafeteria
The lunch room or the quiet lunch room
What is one tool we use to help us know it is time to transition from one thing to the next?
Door Bell
Transition Song
Should we walk or run in the hallway?
When we hear a doorbell or our song, what should we do?
clean up
It's time to clean up
Clean up safely
Where do we go to take a self-break outside of the classroom?
An office
Transition song
Hum our transition song
Should we talk to our friends in line on the way to recess?
how should we clean up?
taking care of our materials
helping our friends that we played with
The expectation is you go to your appointment
Go to your appointment
Where do we go for an appointment with Ms. Shattuck?
Her office
How do we know where to line up in the classroom?
Line spots
Our pictures on the door
Ask a teacher
Should we touch things on the walls of the hallway while we are transitioning?
After we look on the closet door during transitions, what should we do?
Go to our assigned area
Bring your supplies to the circle table to work on iReady
Bring your chromebook to the circle table
Where do we go for an appointment with Ms. Carberry?
Her office
What is a strategy you can use during transitions? Example: The hallway is loud and it feels hard to transition to recess. What tool can you use?
Hold a teacher's hand
Ask for a break
Deep breaths
What should we do when it is time for an appointment?
Clean up, be respectful, and go to your appointment
what does "cleaning up" look like after free choice?
all our toys are back where they belong
no toys on the ground
working together to clean up
Voices off and hands up in 3.......
voices off and hands up
Where do we go for an appointment with Ms. Wallace-Hill?
The Speech Suite
Her office
What can we earn today if we have quick and quiet ELA or Math transitions?
A snowflake on our bingo board!!!!
What should our transition look like after recess when we head to the cafeteria?
focused on ourselves
hands by our sides
stay with our class
follow directions
We do not want to go to an appointment
Go to an office to take an independent self-break with a mindfulness option
waterfall, waterfall...........