Getting there (elementary + post secondary)
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Post Secondary
How many credits are required to graduate from highschool?
80 credits
How many subject a day do you have in high school?
Four, instead of having all your subjects in one day they are split up into two semesters.
Who are 6 people you can go to when you are in an unsafe situation?
-teacher -principal -councler -parents -friends -older siblings -boss -police
How should you choose what school youre going to go to?
You want to pick a school that has the courses you're wishing to take, and if there happens to be several schools that do, consider picking one close to home.
What do you do if your friends are not going to the same post secondary school? What should be the reasons why you choose the university you go to?
Although you wont see each other every day, you can still see each other on weekends and after school. Which university you go to should be determined by... -interests -career path -location -finacial situations
What are 3 requirements that are needed to graduate?
-30 hours of work experience -150 minutes of physical activity/week -20-30 minutes interview with advisor -transition plan
How long are your classes going to be?
80 minutes.
Name three general situations when you need to ask for help in school
-when you are falling behind in your studies -when you do not understand something -when you feel that you are in an unsafe situation -when something is controlling your life in a negitave way
You haven’t saved enough money for university, and you're graduating next year, what are your choices?
-Scholarships -student loans -getting a job -taking in a student to live with you -live at home -spend the first semester/year out of high school just working to save
What are 3 things you can do if the place that you want to move into after High School is over your budget?
-find a new place -cut back on your wants (movies, games, apps etc...) -buy school books second-hand which can save a lot of money -eat at home as opposed to eating out
what are grad tranistions?
the things you need to graduate including -hours of exercise per week -hours of work experience -interview with advisor -financial plan -health plan
What are 5 new responsibilities that you will receive in high school?
-getting to class on time -being responsible for your home and class work -balancing school and social life. -making sure you getting help when you need it -oragnizing your work -bring in a note on days you were absent
what things can counselors help with?
-course selection -struggles at home -bullying -support -addiction -struggles with friends
How are professors different from teachers?
-they expect much more of you as an adult, rather than a student -if there is something that you need to discuss with your professor, then you have to go to him/her as part of your responsibility.
How can you decide whether to going to school or starting work the first year after High School?
It depends on how much your university costs, and how much you have saved. If the program you are doing is expensive, and you are unable to afford it, then going to work for a while first would be a good thing to do. However, if your are able to pay some, or most of it, then it would be fine to start school right away.
What are 3 skills that help you prepare for tests or exams?
Studying skills Organization skills Time managment skills
How is your day organized?
It will be broken down into to four classes each 80 minutes, four 10 minute breaks for you to get to class and a 35 minute lunch period.
What do you need to do if your behind on your work?
Talk to your teacher, if you have a good reason they are generaly understanding and will come up with a comprimise.
What new responsibilities are required of you in university when it comes to work?
-Getting to class is -collecting any work that you have missed on sickdays due dates for assignments is something you have to keep up with seeing that is not something the professor will be reminding you of.
What courses are needed in grades 10-12 to graduate? (7 courses)
-English 10, 11, 12 -Socials 10, 11 -Math 10, 11 -Science 10, 11 -Planning 10 -P.E. 10 -fine arts/applied skill 10, 11, 12
Name 4 skills that will help you through your high school and/or postsecondary life
Organization People/social Sudying Time managment Communication Creating Leadership Teamwork
What are 6 expectations teachers will have of you?
-show up to class on time -ask for help if you need it -inform them of days you will be absent -bring in a naote of the days of absense -postitive attitude -prepared with supplies before class -finish assigned work on time -prepare for upcoming tests/quizes
Who are 3 people that you can go to for help, and what can they help you with?
Parents-homework, financial suppport, struggles with school/friends teachers-homework, problems with friends/home, better understanding friends-support, work, home life, struggles older siblings-work, teachers, friends, school, finances counselors-problems, courses, stress, work
What is the average cost of school per year including books?
What are 4 rights a worker has regarding saftey in a job?
-a safe working environment -proper health and safety information, instruction, and training -supervision to make sure the job is done safely -well-maintained and functioning personal protective equipment -right to refuse to do work that may endanger a worker's health at risk -right to participate in workplace health and safety committees and activities