Who is getting it wrong that translanguaging and code switching are the same?
School districts
Are translanguaging and code switching the same thing?
What is translanguaging?
Moving between languages while communicating
What is code switching?
Someone alternates their language for a language
Jimmy goes between Spanish and English while speaking in a sentence to his friends, what is this?
Code switching
What language does he translanguage to in the video?
Translanguaging: _______ perspective
Code switching: _______ perspective
Inside; outside
What kind of classroom can validate and support translanguaging?
Multilingual classrooms
Can code switching occur without a person even thinking about it?
Martha speaks in Arabic to her mom but sometimes add English too, what is this?
Why is translanguaging research very important?
Multilingual children/adults haven't been able to use their language repertoire to its full capacity.
What is happening if educators/adults don't promote translanguaging?
Separation of languages
Why would someone code switch?
Convey ideas, expression, make an impression
Jonah uses SAE to sound "more professional" to an interviewer but typically speaks in AAVE, what is this?