Abror va Abbos O'zbekistondan
Abror va Abbos are from Uzbekistan.
kitoblar stolning ustida.
books are on the table
oshxonada javon bor
there is a a shelf in the kitchen.
menda qiz jiyan bor
i have got a niece
Timurning do'sti hamshir
Timur's friend is a nurse.
Ular 10 yoshdamilar?
Are they 10 years old?
biz sinfxonada emasmiz
we are not in the classroom.
muzlatgichda mevalar bor
there are fruits in the fridge
ularda mashinalar yo'q
they have not got cars
Bobur and Botirning mashinalari BMW.
Bobur's and Botir's cars are BMW
er va xotin uyda emaslar.
wife and husband are not at home.
kaptok stolning tagidami?
is the ball under the table?
xonada ustoz yo'q
there is not a teacher in the room
kuchukda suyak bormi?
has the dog got a bone?
bolalarning koptoklari katta
children's balls are big
bizlar hafa emasmiz.
we are not sad.
my skirt is in the wardrobe
bo'g'da daraxtlar bormi?
are there trees in the garden?
bizda malla shim yo'q
we have not got brown trousers
xo'jayinning xonasi qulay
boss's room is comfortable
Malika and I are not butchers.
rasm devorda.
picture is on the wall
stolning ustida qizil ruchka bormi?
is there a red pen on the table?
Umar va Usmanda katta uylar bormi?
have Umar and Usman got big houses?
Malikanig onasining dugonasining qizi mening sinfdoshim
Malika's mother's friend's daughter is my classmate