Chest tubes can be taken without a nurse. 

True or False?

What is false. 


A patient is connected to tele-monitoring. Who do you call?

What is the War room.


If you delay a job, who do you need to call?

What is the receiving floor so they know about the delay and know what is going on. 


A 14-year-old needs to go to MRI. The parents are not onsite. Is the nurse required to go?

What is yes? If a minor does not have a guardian present, the nurse needs to go with to act on the minors behalf. 

The actually policy says 14-years-old and under, but we will not transport anyone under 18 years-old without a guardian or nurse.


What does the "flag raising" announcement mean?

What is the flag being raised for organ donation.


Can a nurse send a CNA in their place?

Yes or no?

What is no.


A patient is connected to telemonitoring. How many times will you call the war room and when? 

What is when you leave the room with the patient and when the patient is returned back to their room. 


You go to the nurses station for a ticket. It is 6 am. The nurse tells you she is giving report and to wait. What should you do in this situation?

What is delay the job. Call the receiving floor to let them know the nurse cannot get a ticket because of shift change. 


The nurse tells you to discharge an inmate at the main entrance because the family is waiting in the lobby and would like to see the patient before they go back to prison.  

What is absolutely not. Do not do this. Inmates and all in custody patients get discharged through the ambulance bay.

All inmates are no pubs and cannot have visitors.


You have a job to move two beds to bed storage. Both beds are fully made. What is the first thing you need to do?

What is strip the bed. Beds cannot be stored in bed storage made. Bed storage is not a clean room and after the bed has been stored, it needs to be recleaned before a patient can use it. 


A ticket to ride ride is required when transporting a patient with a chest tube?

True or false?

What is False.

The ticket is not required because a nurse ALWAYS has to transport with the patient.


The nurse is busy when you arrive to the floor and notice the patient is connected to telemonitoring. Should you be helpful and disconnect the box for the nurse?

Yes or no?

What is no.

 Removing telemonitoring is taking the patient off of continuous monitoring that was ordered by the doctor. By doing this, you are essentially altering the doctors orders. This is not in scope of our job and we are not allowed to do it, even if we are asked to. 


Code red has been called while you are waiting for the east elevator on the 4th floor going to CT. Can you get on the elevator and continue the transport, or do you have to wait for the code red to be cleared?

What is wait. When a code red is called, you should not take the elevators and you cannot badge through any access doors. This means you must wait.


What does a crocheted heart on a door symbolize?

What is a deceased patient is still in the room.


You are transporting an inmate from the ER to a floor. They have correctional officers with them. When you arrive to the ER, you ask if security has been called. The nurse tells you security is not needed. What do you do?

What is do not transport the patient until you have called security and they have arrived. Security needs to be called any time an in-custody patient is transported. 


Chest tubes are one of the items specifically addressed on the ticket to ride?

True or false?

What is false.

It is NOT addressed on the T2R. Because of this, a directive was put out house wide that nurses have to go with the patient during transport.


A patient being transported to MRI is on telemonitoring. The CNA on the floor would not take the box off and said MRI could do it.

What would you do? 

What is ask the nurse. The CNA should not be deciding that and the nurse is the person who fills out the ticket to ride and MRI checklist verifying the patient is safe to go to MRI. 


The patient is on 6 liters of oxygen. The nurse says she can't go with you to transport the patient, so the CNA is going. What do you do?

What is do not take the patient. If the nurse is required, a CNA cannot go in their place. 


While walking through the hospital, you witness a visitor trip and fall. They seem injured and do not get up. What do you do?

What is dial 3333 to get the operator and say rapid response, non patient , and your location. 


A code heart was called on a patient five hours ago. This was a valid code. You now have a job to transport the patient down to X-ray. Is the nurse required to go with?

What is yes. Any time there is a serious event in the last 12 hours, the nurse is required.


The nurse refuses to transport with the patient with a chest tube, claiming they are too busy. They tell the transporter it is okay, this is an important test, and they can transport alone. What do you do?

What is delay the job. Call the receiving department and tell them what the delay is. 

We do not break rules because a nurse is busy.


We are asked to get a tele from the war room. While down there, we decide to spend a few minutes to look at the monitors to see if we can see anything interesting. This is okay to do?

True or False

What is false. Looking at the cameras require a "need to know", and we do not need to be looking at the cameras for the scope of our job. Please just get the tele and leave. 


You notice the ticket to ride says to STOP and not transport because the checklist was not properly completed. You ask the nurse to reprint the ticket. They say they are too busy and just to take the patient. What do you do?

What is, do not take the patient. Communicate with the nurse that you won't transport without a correct ticket and that you are going to delay the job. Call the receiving department and explain why you are delaying the job. 

If a safety event was to happen while transporting with a ticket that is not completed properly, you could lose your job. 


You are at the main entrance. You watch a car pull up and run over a person walking across the circle drive. What do you do?

What is call 3333 and ask the operator to call an ambulance, and give your location. 

This is not a patient and they are outside the hospital, so an ambulance needs to be called.

"Active Shooter" has been called overhead. You are transporting a patient from PACU to west surg. What do you do?

What is turn around and get you and the patient safely behind badged doors. 
