What type of vehicle transports people over water?
which sign tells people to STOP?
Stop Sign
True or False:
A boat is NOT a mode of transportation.
What type of vehicle transports people in the air?
Which traffic light color tells people to STOP
Red light
True or False:
The word "pedestrian" refers to people driving in their cars.
Pedestrians are people who are walking.
What type of transportation does not require a vehicle?
walking, jogging, running, swimming, skating
Which traffic light color tells people to GO!
green light
True or False:
Hot air balloons are a mode of transportation.
What type of transportation flies astronauts from the earth into outer space?
Rocket ship
Which traffic light color tells people to SLOW DOWN!
Yellow light
True or False:
People walking by the road can cross whenever they want, without looking both ways... cars HAVE TO STOP for pedestrians!
this is very dangerous - always look both ways before crossing the street
What type of transportation do Aliens use?
Which sign tells people that it is safe to cross the road here (as long as you look both ways first!)
Crosswalk Sign
True or False:
The "hand flashing" sign means that it is safe for you to walk across the street when at a cross walk.
FALSE! This means stay where you are on the sidewalk and DO NOT cross the street - you will not have enough time to safely cross!