As a bus driver, you are responsible for keeping a good relationship with:
a) Students b) Parents
c) Other Employees d) The Public
e) All of the Above
e) All of the above
True or False:
Because buses have 6 tires they can stop quicker?
Is it legal to wait in the middle of the intersection when turning left?
No, you should remain behind the line with your wheels straight until it is time to safely execute the turn.
How far away should the family stand while waiting for the bus at their bus stop?
At least 10 feet away.
True or False:
George can tie a One Handed Bowline
Probably because of all his hiking of the mountains.
When is it okay to signal another motorist?
Who should be the last person off of the bus during an evacuation drill?
The Bus Driver.
When is the appropriate time to brake for a curve?
Before the curve.
True or False:
Seat belts are optional for the adult riders on the bus.
True or False:
George is really good at baseball
His shortness is his secret weapon!
What lights do you use in an "Off Road Stop" or a parking lot?
Hazard Lights (4-Ways)
Where can a driver let a student off that is misbehaving and causing problems?
At the student's regular bus stop or the school.
Skids are generally caused by _____.
Driving too fast for the road conditions.
True or False:
After all children have been unloaded, you should confirm that the head count of children that got off the bus matches the head count when they were all on the bus, and it matches the paperwork.
True or False:
George has a super Garfield obsession
It is only a mild obsession. He doodles them for his dates, and carves them onto his pumpkins for Halloween.
True or False:
The "Rule of Thumb" allows you to keep up with the flow of traffic.
It is "never drive faster than your speed will permit yo to stop within the assured clear distance ahead" regardless of what other motorists are doing.
How far away from the railroad should you stop?
No less than 15 feet and no more than 50 feet.
Most traffic accidents are the result of _____.
Errors in the driver's judgement.
Once the children have loaded the bus to go home, what should be done next?
Close the door to secure the bus during buckling and roll call.
True or False:
George gets beat up a lot
Jealous boyfriends of the ladies who would ask him to swing dance would beat him up
Name 3 "Forever Crime" according to ORS 342.143
Aggravated Murder / Murder / Assault First Degree / Kidnapping First Degree / Rape / Sodomy / Public Indecency / Bigamy / Incest / Child Neglect / Endangering Welfare of a Minor / Arson / Robbery / Treason / Prostitution
The best way to unload your bus is Evacuation Style. What does this look like?
Unload from the front left seat, then the front right seat, and so on in a zigzag fashion
Name the best safety feature on the bus.
The driver.
If a child was not picked up at the bus stop and you have been unable to contact anybody on the list for the child, how long must you wait before you call DHS?
30 minutes.
True or False:
George wears ballerina costumes and lipstick.