Adoptees' vs Parents' Perspectives
Cultural genocide?
Return to birth country
Grab bag
This was a world-wide program that aided thousands of Vietnamese orphans leave Vietnam during the Vietnam War.
What is Operation Baby Lift.
Raised as if the parents own biological offspring, and without much exposure to diversity, some transracial Asian American adoptees have little to no sense of what?
What is Asian Identity
What is the occupation of the author of the article, "Overseas Adoption: Child Welfare or Abuse?"
What is a pastor
A common reaction from people of an adoptee's native birth culture, especially in Korea, is to apologize to the adoptee for his/her upbringing as an adopted child. Natives from the adoptee's birth culture will give free gifts and meals as a guilty response. Adoptees typically characterize this reaction as ____?
What is pity
This is the title of the Youtube video sent out in the email to watch for homework
What is Transracial Adoption
Name one of the adoption agencies that helped coordinated flights and took in orphans during Operation Baby Lift
What is Holt, Friends of Children of Viet Nam (FCVN), Friends For All Children (FFAC), Catholic Relief Service, International Social Services, International Orphans, and the Pearl S. Buck Foundation
This is what parents have when they affirm their transracial/transnational adopted children’s unique race, ethnic background, culture, and adopted identity, ask questions about their experiences, as well as provide resources for their child about history and ethnic background, addressing any and all questions they have with honesty, validation, love, patience, and empathic understanding.
What is What is RECA (racial ethnic culture adopt) competence
Korea's overseas adoption program began immediately following this war
What is the Korean War
A large group of adoptees, with or without their families, traveling to Korea accompanied by staff and guides. This is a package tour, and the itinerary includes visits to national landmarks, with stops at adoption agencies and the possibility of a birth family search.
What is a motherland tour
The Korean War Baby's real name
What is Don Gordon Bell
Approximately how many children were brought into the United States from Operation Baby Lift?
What is 2000
Lack of honest and open communication and understanding may create these emotional health issues within transracially/transnationally-adopted child
What is Anxiety and depression, as well as low self-esteem
Kim Do-Hyun views overseas adoption as child welfare because the adoptee's parents provide them with this kind of love
What is philanthropic
Native Koreans feel this way towards Korean-American adoptees when the adoptees visit Korea and speak perfect English. Hint: The native Koreans feel like the Korean-Americans were placed on the 'fast track to assimilation.'
What is envy
This is the country that started the transracial/transnational adoption trend
What is Korea
The United States adopted more Vietnamese children during Operation Baby Lift than they have in the past _______ number of years combined.
What is 37
Loss of birth parents, homeland, culture, and language immersion leaves transracial/transnational adoptees feeling confused, specifically as…
What are outsiders both in America and in native-born country
This is Korea's equivalent of Planned Parenthood
What is Planned Population
South Korea was known for this particular type of industry because of its adoption practices, and the amount of Korean babies who were adopted by Americans
What is an exportation industry
This type of airplane, used for one of the first official government flights of Operation Babylift, ultimately crashed killing most of the 300 passengers aboard.
What is the Galaxy plane
President Fort announced Operation Baby Lift to the United States on this day
What is April 3rd, 1975
The three names given to the transracially-adopted women from Korea.
What are Cha Jung Hee, Deann, and Ok Jin
In 1988, Matthew Rothschild of The Progressive magazine pointed out that a Korean adoption agency received this much money per child
What is $5,000
When adoptees take a trip back to their birth country, they are consciously confronting the reality of _____?
What is a dual existence/identity
This is a TV show on KBS so people can get help finding missing family or friends. Most adoptees go on this show to find their birth families.
What is I Miss That Person