Quantity into Quality
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Question: You are a junior level manager at Best Buy. One of your subordinates (John) has consistently underperformed since you have hired him 2 and ½ months ago. He is always late, calls in sick constantly, and is often caught slacking off when asked to perform a specific task. In addition, when asked for help from a customer he claims that “this is not his department” (when it clearly is) and refers the customer to another employee for help. You have talked with him several times about his behavior and have discovered that there is no external factors in his personal life that are causing him to underperform. He just seems to be a poor worker. There is also an abundance of suitable applicants, (some of which you have already interviewed) ready to replace him should you fire him. If you decide to keep him on past the end of the month, his probationary period will be over and it will be considerably harder to fire him.
A: Fire Him B: Keep him on
You are one of three department heads in a company. You just received an e-mail from the president of the company marked urgent. The message ask for you to respond to a proposed changed that will affect all departments.
A) Reply immediately B) Wait to talk to your colleagues
You’re a small business owner that employs 1,000 people in Stony Plain. You have just received a proposal from an investor to take your business to new heights. The investor asked for 15% ownership and to relocate the business to a major city. However; the investor will not interfere with the day-to-day operations.
A) Take offer B) Reject offer
Your business has recently run into financial difficulties and is on the brind of bakruptcy due to new competitors in the marketplace steeling your marketshare. Business analysts at the bank have given you two options. You...
A. Add more Resources B. Re-evaluate the company as a whole?
You are a male working in a male dominated industry and a newly appointed female manager has just entered the company. This has brought up quite a stir among the employees. This is your first time dealing with her and you are asking her for additional monetary resources. How do you approach this request?
A) With a flexible position B) With a firm position
Question: You are a board member of Chrysler Canada. The current economic conditions combined with some major internal deficiencies in product manufacturing and quality has reaped disastrous results on Chrysler’s current financial position. After several weeks of meetings on a 5 star tropical resort; the board has decided that to gain a competitive advantage they will demand the Canadian government subsidize Chrysler’s operations in Canada for the next five years. The board believes that the economy will fully return by then, and it will be business as usual. If the government does not support Chrysler, margins will be unacceptable and the company will leave Canada. Upon returning to Canada you meet with government officials and make a case for Chrysler’s demands. Canada refuses.
A: Leave Canada B: Do not
You were just hired as the CFO of a corporation. The company has been struggling to produce profits so the pressure is on to perform. Recently, five projects have been debated and narrowed down to two options. The choice has been left to you. Project A: projects moderate returns for the first 3 years and then increased profits in the future. Project B: projects booming profits for the first 2years and then see profits become unstable in the future.
A) Project A B) Project B
You and your friend at work were promoted today. Your positions are in the same department and have comparable job duties. Your new boss has left the two of you with the decision of who gets the enormous office. Your friend offers for you to make the decision and they will be totally fine with your resolution.
A) Think of a resolution B) Take the offer
Workers are not managing their sales revenue goals well. The manager is accountable for his subordinates success as a whole. The manager has to choices to address everyone immediately with some form of power and strength as a manager over his subordinates or to speak up and mobilize their necessary energy to address the people who failed their SR goals.
a. Speak up and mobilize energy b. Immediate response with power and managerial strength
You are fresh out of college and have landed your first interview. The interview process has been successful for you, and you are one of the two remainding candidates. However, only one will receive the job. Who wins?
A) One person B) Both people
Question: After graduating from College you got a job at Xerox and have been recently promoted up to a mid level management position after 5 years of employment. Needless to say, you know how things work in the company. The company is in a great position and continually growing. After your first few days in your new position Janice (in marketing) has approached with some information. She informs you that people within your department have been doing things like taking home office supplies, writing off personal lunches on company credit, filling personal vehicles with company gas cards, etc. All complaints are minor things that you don’t consider to be major offences. However, all of these practices are in clear violation of company policy. While reflecting on the information recieved you realize that even you are guilty of some of these practices from time to time. It is inherently part of the 'company culture" Janice has tried to shed light on these practices before, but nobody seems to care. She wants you to enforce company policy.
A: Enforce Policy B: Let it be
Two managers hold a position in a company. The chance to have an opportunity for an advance pay raise opens up. One manger has the seniority because of years employed, the other manager overall is a better employee. The one manger that holds the seniority can stir up trouble with ultimatums which result if they do not receive the raise they deserve because of their seniority. It is said that unfortunately, it is only too true that starting a conflict will produce some change. This manager believes that you can create change by creating conflict and that conflict will produce beneficial results.
a. Create change through conflict b. Hope the raise comes because of their seniority.
Your currently own a company that was once successful, but the market has turned and you have been showing a loss for some time now. You are to the point that you must do something but your resources are limited. What do you do?
A) Take out a loan B) File for bankruptcy