Baby's First Nickname
Chonk is this type of animal
This annual celebration includes free shakes from a crowd favorite entertainer.
Nautical Festival
Your favorite appetizer
Spinach artichoke dip
Your nickname for your wife from her "former life"
Sophia's favorite amusement park pose.
Baby Rollercoaster
This mom and her kids come to visit the backyard often
Nubs McGuillicuddy
The campground where you fought a raccoon
Sleeping Bear Dunes/Platt River
No salad is complete without...
Meat and chese
What you said the coat she liked was made of.
The face baby makes after eating
"Derp face"
This animal blew in with the wind
The trip we never got to take
Sandi never travels anywhere without
A red onion
What you call her at the holidays.
Your favorite nickname for Sophia
This symbol of hope visited us right when we needed it.
We did not go camping this holiday weekend this year because we were busy at U of M
Labor Day Weekend
Everyone will be jealous when they see what we have growing on our _________
What you said she does with the boots she wants for Christmas
Stomping kittens
Sophia's Polish Name
What Bob and Vanessa's nickname on the menu would be.
The campground that started it all.
Hoeft State Park
Worst vegetable ever
Green beans
The color of her eyes
Black and soulless