What city in Texas has the greatest number of veterans?
San Antonio
What is the most common type of injury in veterans?
Physical injuries.
What does PTSD stand for?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
What is TBI?
Brain Injury, a disruption in brain function caused by a blow, jolt, or penetrating head injury.
What does MST stand for?
Military Sexual Trauma.
What are the six branches of the U.S. military?
Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Space Force.
What percentage of national suicides are completed by veterans?
What percentage of Gulf War veterans are diagnosed with PTSD annually?
About 12%.
What is the most common cause of TBI in veterans?
Concussive blast exposures (e.g., bombs, IEDs).
What is MST defined as?
Sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment during military service.
The National Guard has two missions. What are they?
State and federal missions.
What is "asymmetrical warfare"?
Warfare where there are no clear front or rear lines, and adversaries are often disguised as civilians.
What are the four main symptom categories of PTSD?
Re-living the event, avoiding reminders, negative changes in beliefs and feelings, and hyper-vigilance.
Name the three classifications of TBI.
Mild (concussion), moderate, and severe.
Name two symptoms of MST.
Anxiety disorders and substance abuse (other acceptable answers: PTSD, depression, mood swings).
How many military installations are in Texas?
15 total installations.
Name three characteristics of a trauma-affected veteran.
Hyper-vigilance, strong non-verbal communication skills, and knowledge of escalation of force procedures.
Name two triggers that can evoke memories of traumatic events.
Smells and sounds (other acceptable answers: emotions, visual images, taste, or specific objects).
Name two observable symptoms of TBI.
Slurred speech and impaired motor skills (other acceptable answers: poor postural control, muscle tremors).
What percentage of active-duty women reported unwanted sexual contact in 2021?
What is the primary focus of basic training in the military?
Stripping individuality, instilling team and mission focus, and teaching survival and combat basics.
What law established the requirement for trauma-affected veteran training in law enforcement?
House Bill 1338.
What percentage of Vietnam veterans have experienced PTSD in their lifetime?
About 30%.
Why might TBI symptoms be misinterpreted by law enforcement?
They can resemble signs of substance use or resistance to authority.
MST can include what types of behaviors?
Rape, unwanted sexual touching, threatening/offensive remarks about a person’s body, and unwelcome sexual advances.