RNAO Strategies
CNO Competency Roles
Theory of Caring
Implementing TIC

This strategy encourages individuals with similar experiences to work together to establish safety, trust, and enhance collaboration to promote healing and recovery.

What is Peer Support?


The nurses utilizes the RNAO's trauma informed care principles to prioritize Evan's safety, choice and control.

What is Clinician, 1.3 Uses principles of trauma-informed care which places priority on trauma survivors' safety, choice and control?


While speaking to Evan, the nurse ensures to avoid making assumptions about his situation, and takes cues from Evan to inform her assessment. The nurse is using what Theory of Caring process?

What is Knowing?

Discussed within the research findings were eight practical tips to incorporate into nursing practice related to TIC. List three of them. 
Introduce yourself, Use open and non threatening body positions, Provide anticipatory guidance, Ask before touching, Protect patient privacy, Provide clear and consistent messaging about services and roles, Use plain language and teach back, apply universal precautions 

This strategy encourages organizations to work to move past cultural stereotypes and biases, and recognize and address historical trauma.

What are Cultural, Historical, and Gender Issues?


The nurse utilizes active listening when interviewing Evan about his previous traumatic experiences to create an appropriate plan of care according to his preferences.

What is Communicator, 3.2 Engages in active listening to understand and respond to the client's experience, preferences, and health goals.


While Evan is in her care, the nurse comforts and anticipates his needs, performing tasks that he would do if he were able. She is demonstrating which process of the Theory of Caring?

What is Doing For?


What are the two forms of trauma informed care and how are they described?

1. Trauma specific care: reducing impact of trauma (screening for ACES, and referrals to other interprofessional services)

2. Trauma related care: universal precaution (non judgemental, unbiased etc)


This strategy encourages organizations to ensure that staff and clients feel physically and psychologically safe, and should be defined by those served.

What is Safety?


The nurse helps connects Evan to support from through the interprofessional team to plan a safe transition back to the community with resources for homelessness after being treated.

What is Collaborator, 4.2 Initiates collaboration to support care planning and safe, continuous transitions from one health care facility to another, or to residential, community or home and self-care


As Evan shares his experience and concerns about interacting with the healthcare system, the nurse empathizes with Evan's situation and remains emotionally present for him while ensuring to not burden him with her emotions. What process of the Theory of Caring is the nurse using?

What is Being With?


What were the barriers of TIC discussed when sharing research? Name 3

Lack of time, staff resistance, insufficient training or staff, lack of data collection and monitoring and fear of professionals who have worked with trauma


This strategy places importance on leveling power differences in order to share power and decision-making.

What is Collaboration and Mutuality?


The nurse encourages administration and the healthcare team to create supports for nurses who regularly interact with trauma survivors and are exposed to traumatic events.

What is Leader, 6.4 Participates in creating and maintaining a healthy, respectful, and psychologically safe workplace.


While the nurse cares for Evan, she helps to facilitate his passage through this event by helping him to focus on his goals, providing information and emotional support, and validating his feelings. She is demonstrating what process of the Theory of Caring?

What is Enabling?


What were some of the facilitators of TIC discussed when sharing research?

implementation promoted by leadership, using existing strategies and screening and improving them with more advanced knowledge, increased training where mental health is not the primary focus, availability of experts, staff attitudes and willing to change


This principle recognizes that individuals who have been diminished in voice are often recipients of coercive treatment, and works to ensure that individuals are supported in shared decision-making and cultivating self-advocacy.

What is Empowerment, Voice, and Choice?

Evan informs the nurse that one of the people who hurt him physically has entered the ER. The nurse takes quick steps to remove Evan from the same area and discuss what happened with him.

What is Advocate, 7.1 Recognizes and takes action in situations where client safety is actually or potentially compromised.


The nurse sustains her faith in Evan's ability to get through this event and offers optimism in her interactions with Evan. She is demonstrating which process of the Theory of Caring?

What is Maintaining Belief?


Robust clinical TIC models focused on which two elements?

Client symptomatology and decreasing/eliminating coercive practices
