What is Trauma?
A difficult or scary experience that overwhelms you
(upsetting or confusing events that leave people feeling afraid, upset, confused, helpless, angry, empty or numb)
Is it ever the child's fault when they have been abused?
No! It can never be a kids fault when they get hurt in emotional, physical, mental or sexual ways. It's impossible! BUT KIDS AND TEENS OFTEN THINK ITS THEIR FAULT and blame themselves.
What are coping skills?
Things you can do to calm yourself down and help yourself feel better. This can be
Soothing skills, grounding skills, distraction skills, co-regulation skills (coping with someone else)
Trauma can pass down from generations. Your mom's, mom's mom might have had some of the same traumas you dealt with. What types of trauma's could this be?
-Racism, Discrimination, Poverty, Harassment
Name one way trauma can change how you think about yourself. (Feeling unworthy, unsafe, or unlovable.)
(Feeling unworthy, unsafe, or unlovable.)
Why are some children and teens not able to tell or talk about abuse.
They are worried about what will happen! Its very normal to be scared. many kids are told lies or have threatened that they will get hurt or someone they love will get hurt or be taken away if they tell.
When someone has experienced trauma, avoiding thinking or talking about the trauma is a NORMAL trauma reaction. True or False
True-Avoidance is the #1 trauma symptom for children and teens because it tries to help kids not feel pain or too many big feelings. Over time though, avoiding the trauma can lead to kids staying stuck and feeling sick in other ways
Name three ways to calm yourself if you are feeling an extreme emotion.
Talk to someone, breath, count to ten, use a stress ball, take a walk, think happy thoughts, do something you like.
True or False: Everyone reacts to trauma the same way.
(False—everyone’s experience is unique.)
What is hypervigilance and why might this be a trauma symptom?
(Being constantly on alert for danger----the boy is wired to stay safe. After a trauma, the body learns to keep looking out for danger even wen things are safe.)
What is it called when you feel as if you are reliving a scary memory again?
List 3 different symptoms kids and youth can experience after trauma (Think physical, emotional, social, mental)?
Tummy aches, nightmares, paranoid (hypervigilance), avoidance, flashbacks, irritability, loss of trust, anger, isolation
Self-harm, using substances and doing things that are risky and dangerous can be a sign of someone trying to cope with trauma. Why?
Can be ways people try to cope with trauma because they provide temporary relief from overwhelming emotions, numb pain, or create a sense of control. When someone feels stuck in distress, these behaviors might seem like the only way to escape, feel something different, or regain power over their body and mind.
How do many children/teens feel when adults are fighting each other.
Scared, afraid, and terrified.
How does knowing that others have experienced trauma help someone?
(It helps them feel less alone and more supported.)
What is abuse?
Using power, fear and hurts (inside, outside, sexual hurts) to control, hurt or scare someone.
What are some feelings/ reactions teens might have after experiencing trauma or abuse?
Scary memories/dreams, feeling jumpy/nervous or angry. Watching out for danger or worrying about bad things happening. Trouble sleeping or paying attention in school. NOT wanting to talk about what happened (although memories com back). heart racing, stomach ache, upset (when reminded of trauma). Empty/ numb, or use substances to forget
Does using coping skills alone help someone deal with their trauma?
No, coping skills alone are not enough to fully heal from trauma, but they are an important first step in managing its effects. They help regulate the nervous system when emotions feel overwhelming, They create a sense of control over difficult feelings, They provide temporary relief from distressing symptoms.
Dealing with trauma might also include addressing negative beliefs, intrusive memories, or relational struggles.
About what percentage of people experience trauma in their lifetime?
(Around 70%.)
Do grown ups who have abused children or exposed them to scary or stressful situations hate children?
No! Many grown-up's have their own adult problems they are dealing with and might not have the coping skills or abilities to problem solve or regulate their emotions, leading to adult sized freak-outs, abuse, neglect of children.
What does PTSD or CPTSD stand for?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Complex PTSD includes long-term trauma that has impacts on self-identity and relationships
Who experiences abuse?
Any person, of any race, from any country, rich or poor can experience abuse or trauma.
People who have less power (children, women, folx with disabilities, racialized groups, trans community) care more at risk for abuse
Why is slow deep belly breathing the #1 technique used to help people manage pain, get through a trauma trigger, get through a panic attack?
Breathing is something we can do WITH or WITHOUT thinking about it. When we control our breath pattern,, we can change how our bodies feel! Chest breathing increases fear and anxiety, belly breaths with long slow exhales turns on our rest, digest and safety responses in the body. Having at least 1 to-go to breathing maneuver for yourself is a MUST!
Some traumatic experiences are repeated and linger on in families, like family violence, mental helath and addictions crisis, chronic bullying, forced displacement, and poverty related stress.
Why is it important to talk about these traumas?
(To normalize feelings, reduce shame, and help people heal.)
How can trauma affect relationships?
(Trust issues, difficulty feeling safe with others, fear of being hurt again.)