Bleeding Control/Shock
ONLY Pediatrics

What kind of injury indicates a traction splint should be placed?

Closed femur Fracture


An emergency condition where severe blood or fluid loss makes the heart unable to pump blood efficiently through the body

1. Perfusion

2. Hypovolemic Shock

3. Hemmoragic Shock

4. Distributive Shock

Hypovolemic Shock


What is major anatomical difference in pediatrics airways compared to adults?

Narrower airway OR larger tongue


Trauma resulting in internal organs protruding from the abdomen.



A young man fell and landed on his outstretched fore arm, resulting in pain and deformity to the left mid shaft forearm. Distal circulation should be assessed at which pulse location?

1. Radial

2. Branchial

3. Pedal




An injury to the neck that effects the carotid arteries or superior vena cava are likely to cause what type of clot?



You arrive on scene to a nightclub for a 23 year old female lying on the ground with bright red blood spirting out of her right lower arm. Her respirations are labored at 10 breaths/min, skin is cool and diaphoretic, and pinpoint pupils. What do you assess first

1. Control the airway with a BVM 5-6 breaths/min

2. Control the bleeding

3. Administer 2mg of Narcan

4. Rapid Trauma assessment

Control the bleeding


A three year old female has difficulty breathing after she swallowed a piece of candy, which is logged n her throat. What abnormal sounds should you expect to hear on auscultation? 

1. Rales

2. Stridor

3. Snoring

4. Wheezing



You are sent to a residence after a domestic dispute where PD is present. The male is in custody after shooting his wife. You see the woman lying supine. She is conscious but very restless, in obvious respiratory distress. After ensuring the patient airway, what is your next course of action? 

1. Assess airway quality

2. Compare radial and carotid pulses?

3. Apply 100% oxygen

4. Check condition of skin

Assess quality of airway


A 30 year old male sustained partial thickness burns to the anterior chest and both anterior arms. Base on rule of nines, what percentage of his body are burned? 



During the transport of a patient with a head injury, which is the following assessment with MOST determine the patients condition?

1. Blood pressure

2. Pupil size

3. Mental Status

4. Heart Rate

Mental Status


Which of the following mainly indicates that a patient is in decompensated shock? 

1. Restlessness and Anxiety

2. Altered level of consciousness

3. Falling blood pressure

4. Tachycardia and Tachypnea

Falling blood pressure


What are the percentages of each area for the pediatric rule of nines?

Head/Neck: 18%

Torso: 36%

Arms: 9% each arm

Legs: 14% each leg


Injury cause by blunt or penetrating trauma to the heart, characterized by narrowing blood pressure,

Cardiac Tamponade


You are assessing a 33 year old male's GCS. The patient opens his eyes in response to pain, is speaking incoherently, and withdraws from pain in his extremities. What is his GCS score?

1. 6

2. 7

3. 8

4. 9



Following a head injury, a young female in semiconscious is is bleeding from the nose and left ear. You should..

1. Control the bleeding from her nose and pinch the sides

2. Place pressure over her ear to prevent blood loss

3. Cover her ear and nose with a loose gauze and collect the blood

4. Insert a nasal airway to ensure that it is open

Cover her ear and nose with a loose gauze and collect the blood


A trauma patient cannot feel anything from the nipple down, you should suspect the injury at the spinal is at..

1. C7

2. T1

3. T4

4. T10



You are on scene of a 7 year old male in an MVA that was sitting in the front seat. After assessing your patient you note diminished lung sounds on the left side, SPO2 is 88% on room air, with a RR of 45. What is a possible cause of your patients findings?

1. Cardiac Tamponade

2. Tension Pneumothorax

3. Fractured Ribs

4. Displaced sternum

Tension Pneumothorax


A patient experienced blunt chest trauma and has asymmetrical chest wall movement. This most likely indicates..

1. Decreased air movement into one lung

2. accumulation of blood in both of the lungs

3. Shallow breathing secondary to severe pain

4. Several ribs broken in numerous places

Decreased air movement into one lung


What steps are included in your trauma scene size up?

1. Scene Safe

2. MOI

3. ALS/Fire

4. C-spine

5. Number of patients


A 23 year old male was struck in the face with a baseball bat. His eyes are swollen shut, he has massive facial bruising and deformities, and has blood in his mouth. What should be your immediate concern? 

1. Spinal Trauma

2. Inter-cranial Bleeding

3. Airway Compromise

4. permanent vision loss

Airway Compromise


What are 4 main different types of shock?

1. Hypovolemic

2. Cardiogenic

3. Septic

4. Anaphylactic


You arrive on scene to the unexpected birth of a baby. She appears limp and has minimal movement. The baby is cyanotic in her torso and extremities. You observed rapid breathing, and her pulse is 52. You should first...

1. Dry and warm the baby

2. administer blow by oxygen

3. Ventilate the baby with a neonate BVM

4. Begin CPR and ventilate the baby with a neonate BVM

Dry and warm the baby


A 42 year old male has a huge knife implied in the center of his chest, he is pulseless and apneic. You should..

1. Stabilize the Knife in place and transport immediately

2. Carefully remove the knife, control the bleeding, and start CPR

3. Carefully removed the knife, control bleeding, and apply an AED

4. Stabilize the Knife with bulky dressings, begin CPR, and transport immediately 

Carefully remove the knife, control the bleeding, and start CPR


Which of the following MOI's would necessitate performing a rapid trauma assessment? 

1. A stable patient who is stable involved in a MVA, whose passenger was killed

2. Amputation of three toes from the patient's left foot from a construction injury

3. An implied object on the patients lower extremity with minimal bleeding

4. A patient who fell while riding a skateboard, stable bit complaining of a headache

A stable patient who is stable involved in a MVA, whose passenger was killed
