The hotel information displayed here is collected and maintained by AAA Publishing.
What is the Online Travel Guide (Online TourBook)?
What does GDS stand for?
What is Global Distribution System?
How often are Diamond Ratings updated on PPN operated sites?
PPN updates diamond ratings on a daily basis using the AAA API feed.
This GDS platform powers the consumer booking site provided by Priceline Partner Network (PPN).
What is Travelport (Worldspan)?
This GDS platform powers the consumer booking site provided by TST.
What is Travelport (Apollo)?
This AAA product was created to allow Clubs to customize online TourBook information, including Travel Guides and listing content for hotels, restaurants, attractions and events on
What is CCD (Custom Club Display)?
The GDS is made up of data that is collected by these four GDS platforms?
What is Sabre, Apollo, Worldspan, Amadeus?
If the property is affiliated with a chain hotel, who should they contact to load rates or correct their content online?
Their in-house GDS Automations department.
True or False: AAA maintains the Featured and Sponsored listing content.
False. AAA determines the sort order of the Featured and Sponsored listings. However, the content within these listings comes from Pegasus.
True or False: TST is an AAA product owned by a group of AAA/CAA clubs.
Travelers using this AAA product on to mark their selected hotels on a custom MyPlaces map. The printout shows numbered icons along with corresponding descriptive information.
What is the TripTik application?
You check to see what booking engine is being utilized by the club site that the property is viewing by using this identifier?
What is URL?
True or False: A property changing their GDS providers may affect their online connectivity.
True! Properties are encouraged to notify the National Office with their new Worldspan ID. Failure to do so may result in a temporary loss of their online connection.
How often does PPN update the properties content?
What is monthly?
TST operates in how many AAA/CAA club sites?
What is 18?
This AAA product combines travel, discount information, and roadside service and is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones.
What is the AAA Mobile app?
True or False: The GDS does not actually maintain inventory and rates but passes it through to the end user from the hotel.
True or False: Properties will only display on PPN operated sites if their AAA rates are loaded into Worldspan.
False. PPN’s hotel booking platform displays a combination of Prepaid Merchant Rates and AAA Rates available through the Worldspan GDS system.
As long as one or the other is displaying, listing will appear just fine!
True or False: PPN only displays properties with a valid AAA rating.
False. PPN displays FYI designated properties as well as any property with a 3 Star or above rating.
TST pulls content and rates from multiple vendors, besides Apollo. Name at least two of their other vendors?
What is American Tours International (ATI), VFM Leonardo, Giata & Tourico?
True or False: Restaurant listings can be located on the main hotel widget page.
False. Restaurant listings can only be found in AAA's digital products (i.e. TripTik, CCD, Mobile app, etc...)
The most well-known 3rd party image processing and distribution company.
What is VFM Leonardo?
True or False: The Priceline Group (PCLN) is composed of five primary brands which include & Therefore, non-bookable properties that are already showing on those sites, will automatically be on sites operated by PPN.
False. A GDS subscription is required if any property wishes to participate on A property would need to be subscribed with Worldspan to be active on sites operated by PPN.