Name that Sign
Public Transportation
Plan A Trip
In the community

We often see this at the end of a street when there is no crosswalk sign.

What is a stop sign?


What is the website for the MTA?

What is


You are playing music loudly on your phone and about to get on the train. You have headphones in your pocket? What should you do?

What is put your headphones on?


You are planning to go on the train. How much is the fare?

What is $2.75?


You are about the cross the street. The crosswalk sign has a red hand blinking and the number 3 next to it. What do you do?

What is don't walk?


These signs are at the corner of the street. They tell us where we are when we are explaining our location to others. 

What are street signs?


You don't have internet and need help figuring out how to get to your location. Who can you ask for help at home?

What is 1) parents/guardians 2) siblings 3) family member (aunt, uncle, cousin, etc)?


You are eating a snack of the bus. What is the WRONG thing to do with the wrapper?

What is throw the wrapper on the floor?


It is your first day of high school. You cannot walk to your new school and need to take public transportation there. You don't know how to get there. What should you do in advance?

What is 1) look up how to get there 2) practice taking public transportation there?


You are walking to your friends house. You notice a stop sign sign. You step off the street corner _____ (clue: a speed).

What is slowly?


This sign tells cars to go, stop, or slow down.

What is a traffic light?


You are planning a trip to a movie theater in Manhattan to hang out with your friends. You are going to go online to help you figure out how to get there. What tool is good to use?

What is 1) Google Maps 2) MTA trip planner?


An elderly man with a cane comes on to the bus. The bus is crowded and there are no more seats. You are sitting. What should you do?

What is offer your seat?


You have to be at school at 8 am. It takes you 30 minutes to get to school by bus. What should you do when planning when you should leave your house (clue: do you leave 30 minutes before...)?

What is 1) give yourself extra time 2) leave early?


You are walking to school. You notice that the crosswalk sign is broken. It is not lit up at all. What should you do?

What is 1) use the stoplight 2) go to a nearby street 3) ask a crossing guard for help?


You are about to cross the street. You see a red hand blinking and the number 10 next to it on the crosswalk sign. What does the 10 means?

What is 10 seconds left to cross?


You need to know if there is a delay, what do you look under on the MTA website?

What is service status/delays?


You are waiting for the b6 bus. The bus is crowded and you notice a bunch of people going on to the back of the bus. What should you do?

What is wait for the next bus?


Do you have to pay for the metrocard itself?

What is yes ($1)?


You are about to cross the street. You see a stop sign. Which way do you look when you slowly step off the street corner?

What is the 1) opposite ways the cars on going 2) where the cars are coming from?


You are about to cross the street. There is a lit up sign with a white colored man. What is this called?

What is a crosswalk sign?


You are at the subway station and need help figuring out how to get to your location. You don't have a cellphone. What do you do?

What is 1)ask a MTA worker for help 2)look at a subway map?


Where are the priority seats (seats for elderly, disabled or pregnant passengers) located on the bus?

What is in the front of the bus?


You are on the bus (b17) and need to transfer to another bus (b82). You paid with change. Do you need to pay again to get on the b82?

What is no (you get a transfer card on the first bus- the b17)?

You are about the cross the street. You notice the stoplight is yellow. Do you cross the street and why or why not?

What is no because cars might still be going?
