Which is the largest of the planets?



Which object in the solar system has the greatest mass and provides the greatest force to keep all objects within the solar system in orbit?



Why do objects in our solar system orbit the sun?

A) Because of their composition.

B) Because of their shape.

C) Because of electromagnetic force.

D) Because of gravitational force.

D) Because of gravitational force.

Which sentence BEST describes the formation of the sun?

A) Gravitation pulled together a cloud of dust and gas to form the sun.

B) Electromagnetism pulled together planets and satellites to form the sun.

C) Electromagnetism pulled together a cloud of dust and gas to form the sun.

D) Gravitation pulled together planets and satellites to form the sun.

A) Gravitation pulled together a cloud of dust and gas to form the sun.


Why is it relatively warm around the equator at all times of the year?

A) The equator receives no rain at all times of the year.

B) The equator receives no cloud cover at all times of the year.

C) The equator receives indirect sunlight at all times of the year.

D) The equator receives direct sunlight at all times of the year.

D) The equator receives direct sunlight at all times of the year.


The length of a year on Earth is a little over 365 days. The length of a year on a planet is best described as the time it takes for which to occur?

The planet to revolve around the sun.


Where is the main asteroid belt in the solar system?

Between Jupiter and Mars.


Which are examples of outer planets?

Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter


How did Earth’s moon form?

A) The moon formed farther away, near the asteroid belt. It then moved close to Earth and was captured by Earth’s gravity.

B) An early impact on Earth ejected a lot of material. This material formed the moon.

C) The moon formed from gas clouds, like Earth.

D) A solar flare early in the solar system's existence ejected material from the sun. This solar material formed the moon.

B) An early impact on Earth ejected a lot of material. This material formed the moon.


What is the major cause of the changes in weather in an area over the different seasons?

A) Number of mountains in an area.

B) Proximity to the ocean.

C) Distance from the sun.

D) Tilt of Earth’s axis.

D) Tilt of Earth’s axis.


Earth has a faster orbit than Jupiter because it is closer to the sun. True or False.



Which statement best describes how the planets in our solar system formed?

A) They formed from a nebular cloud of dust and gas.

B) They are condensed rings of matter thrown off by a recently formed sun.

C) They are the remains of an exploded star once paired with the sun.

D) The sun captured them from a smaller, older, nearby star.

A) They formed from a nebular cloud of dust and gas.


How old is our solar system?

A) About 13.5 billion years.

B) About 4.5 million years.

C) About 4.5 billion years.

D) About 13.5 million years.

C) About 4.5 Billion years.


During the formation of the sun, gravity pulled matter closer and closer together until what event occurred?

A) Neutrons and protons formed.

B) Nuclear fusion reactions began.

C) Radioactive decay began.

D) A nebula exploded.

B) Nuclear fusion reactions began.


What season is it in the Southern Hemisphere when the South Pole is oriented toward the sun?

A) Autumn.

B) Summer.

C) Spring.

D) Winter.

B) Summer.


Earth years are shorter than Saturn years. True or false.



Which of these BEST describes the formation of Earth?

A) Earth was formed from the collision of multiple asteroids. The asteroids merged into a planet.

B) Earth was formed from a cloud of gas and dust spinning and moving some distance from the sun.

C) Earth was formed when a piece of the sun broke off the star as it was forming.

D) Earth was formed when Jupiter, the largest planet, split into smaller pieces during its formation.

B) Earth was formed from a cloud of gas and dust spinning and moving some distance from the sun.


Our solar system began as a cloud of...

A) gas, ice, and dust.

B) stars, radiation, and gravity.

C)matter, light, and heat.

D)neutrons, protons, and electrons.

A) gas, ice, and dust.


Why are planets spherical?

A) Objects over a certain mass become spherical.

B) Solar winds polish the surfaces of orbiting planets.

C) Rocks are ejected from spinning bodies.

D) Circular orbits produce spherical planets.

A) Objects over a certain mass become spherical.

What season is it in the Northern Hemisphere when the South Pole is oriented toward the sun?

A) Spring.

B) Summer.

C) Autumn.

D) Winter.

D) Winter.


Earth’s orbit around the sun is a(n) __________. However, it ___________.

ellipse; looks almost like a circle


The sun is made up of what two main elements?

A) Hydrogen and helium.

B) Helium and nitrogen.

C) Helium and carbon.

D) Hydrogen and nitrogen.

Hydrogene and Helium


If it collects a lot of mass, a space object will become __________ due to __________.

A) spherical; electromagnetism

B) spherical; gravity

C) a rocky planet; electromagnetism

D) a rocky planet; gravity

B) spherical; gravity


In the solar system, there is a lot of distance between Mars and Jupiter. 

The main asteroid belt is in this area.

What is the reason a planet did not form between Mars and Jupiter?

A) This area gets a lot of stellar wind from the sun. 

B) Planets cannot form in areas that get a lot of stellar wind.

C) Jupiter’s gravity affected this area so much that no planet could form there.

D) Mars has two very fast-moving moons. These moons prevented a planet from forming in the area.

C) Jupiter’s gravity affected this area so much that no planet could form there.


When is sunlight most intense on Earth’s surface?

A) When the light is perpendicular to the ground.

B) When the light is at a steep angle to the ground.

C) When the light is parallel to the ground.

D) When the light is at a shallow angle to the ground.

A) When the light is perpendicular to the ground.
