Treaties are forever
Treaty Map
Meaning & Significance of Treaties- a First Nations Perspective
Treaties from the Crown’s Perspective
Justice, Annuities, Hunting & Fishing Common Ground

What does this translate to? Treaties ōhi  nāspici, anohc, wāpāgi. 

These treaties here are forever, today, tomorrow.


Tanihi 5 numbered treaties gi-ositawak Saskatchewanohk?

4,5,6,8 and 10


Interpretation of treaties between First Nations and Government of Canada is (pāgan OR pēgwan OR pagan) as evidenced in fishing, hunting and trapping rights, education, health services, delivery of justice services, eligibility of treaty annuities and portability of treaty rights.

Interpretation of treaties between First Nations and Government of Canada is (pāgan/different) as evidenced in fishing, hunting and trapping rights, education, health services, delivery of justice services, eligibility of treaty annuities and portability of treaty rights.


Earliest Treaties were based on:

a) Imperial powers and First Nations People based on commerce, law, peace and military alliance

b) Taking a place in Canada under protection of First Nations

c) Tāpwēwin ēgwa maskawātisīwin (Truth and strength)

Earliest Treaties were based on:

a) Imperial powers and First Nations People based on commerce, law, peace and military alliance


Translate this sentence: 

Gīci-ogimāskēw ē-wanasōwēt itwēw amistigōsiw.

It means: Her Majesty makes the laws says whiteman. 


Tānitāto numbered treaties Saskatchewan?

6 - Nigotwasik


Wītamawin anihi Indigenous Groups treaties kā-ayācik Saskatchewanohk?

Cree, Saulteaux, Nakota and Dene  

  • The First Nations perspective or ē-isiwāpātāgik (the way they see it)  is that the rights of European newcomers in Saskatchewan, such as rights to use of land and resources, stems from:
  • a) Doctrine of Discovery
  • b) Treaties and Treaty Relationship
  • c) Popular belief in the general public
  • b) Treaties and Treaty Relationship

In 1613, the Mohawk and Dutch used a 2 Row Wampum of Iroquois to:

a) Agree on peace, respect, friendship and alliance

b) Namwāc nōtintowin māga wīciwāganītowin (No fighting but partnership)

c) Kāginaw ōhi a ēgwa b (All of these a and b)

In 1613, the Mohawk and Dutch used a 2 Row Wampum of Iroquois to:

a) Agree on peace, respect, friendship and alliance


On Treaty annuities, translate this sentence:

Tāpwē apisīs ēgwa soniyas. 

It means, on Treaty annuities...

It sure is just a little bit of money.


Kīci-owanasowēwinihk astēwa treaties ōta

Canadian Constitution, 1982


Treaties established a relationship between:

Nistam anisiniwak ēgwa kāginaw Canadians

First People and all Canadians


First Nations see treaties as :

  • a) Agreements between governments
  • b)Nation to Nation agreements between the Crown and the Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine and Dene
  • c)Arguments between nations and governments

b) Nation to Nation agreements between the Crown and the Cree, Saulteaux, Assiniboine and Dene


Tānispāk ōma Europeans consider largescale settlement  of Canada? /When is it that Europeans ….?

a) Kayāsk (long ago)

b) ēnātawēnītāgik askiy (they wanted land)

c) Sōnīyāsa aniwāk ē-wāpamācik (They saw even more money)

Tānispāk ōma Europeans consider largescale settlement  of Canada? /When is it that Europeans ….?

c) Sōnīyāsa aniwāk ē-wāpamācik (They saw even more money)


On Hunting & Fishing the Federal Government tells Provincial government “kīna wanasowē” - what does this mean? 

On Hunting & Fishing the Federal Government tells Provincial government “kīna wanasowē” - you make the laws.


Saskatchewan Elder Alma Kywayhat reminds  citizens nistōtamok  treaties must be honored for as long as...

Pīsim cāgāso ēgwa maskosīy opiginwa ēgwa sīpiy pimiciwan (sun shines and grass grows and river flows)


John Gormley (Star Phoenix, 2001) itwēw (says):

a) If treaties are naspici (forever) that means you only needed to honor them at the time of signing;

b) If treaties are naspici (forever), that means if you want to cancel them, that means giving the land back;

c) If treaties are naspici (forever), that means First People and Canada always agree on everything today.

b) If treaties are naspici (forever), that means if you want to cancel them, that means giving the land back.


First Nations see that treaties were agreed upon through:

a)  ceremony, symbols and song

b) exchange of wīgēs (ratroot) , sweetgrass and kinosēw (fish)

c)  kināskiwin, pāpiwin ēgwa mātowin (lies, laughter and crying)

a)  ceremony, symbols and song


The 1763 Royal Proclamation was:

  • a) gāsagēnimowin (greed)
  • b) became a primary subject for treaty negotiations for settlement and access to land and resources
  •  c) wealth in owning land and using resources

The 1763 Royal Proclamation was:

  • b) became a primary subject for treaty negotiations for settlement and access to land and resources

Translate this sentence:

Ē-pimâtisīmagāgi masinahigana.

It means,

Living documents.


Interpret this sentence: Awa Commissioner Alexander Morris gī-ayaw Fort Carlton Treaty 6 August 1876, gī-misi-mīciso Fort Carlton August 1872, gī-nohtē-nipaw Fort Carlton August 1972. 

This Commissioner Alexander Morris was at Fort Carlton (FC) Treaty 6 Aug 1876, had a big meal at FC Aug 1872, wanted to sleep at FC Aug 1972.


Tānitāto anisiniwak wīgiwak Treaty 2? 

a) ātīt

b) mīcēt

c) namwāc awīyak

c) namwāc awīyak - nobody 


First Nations feel that treaties have a  ___________

Fill in blank with 1 choice: strong OR spiritual OR flawless foundation.

First Nations feel that treaties have a spiritual foundation.


 Amistigōsiw (whiteman)considered numbered treaties as:

a) different from First Nations because of the world view  (askiy-ē-isi-ganawāpātāgik)  

b) surrender of large tracts of lands ēgwa friendship with promise of aid in education, farming, hunting, medicine, annuities and other matter.

c) a & b

Amistigōsiw (whiteman)considered numbered treaties as - ANSWER IS C -BOTH a) different from First Nations because of the world view  (askiy-ē-isi-ganawāpātāgik)  


b) surrender of large tracts of lands ēgwa friendship with promise of aid in education, farming, hunting, medicine, annuities and other matter.


Treaties ōhi/ these treaties are:

a) Canada āpacitaw Indian Act owanasowēhinihk māga Supreme Court osītaw adjustments/ Canada uses the IA laws but the SC makes adjustments

b) Royal Commission of Indigenous People wāpāta ōma ē-macastêk itwēwak nōtaw Indian Act apacitāk/ RCOIP look at how poorly this Indian Act is written and it needs to be used less.

c)  Both A & B

Treaties ōhi/ these treaties are: c) BOTH A & B

a) Canada āpacitaw Indian Act owanasowēhinihk māga Supreme Court osītaw adjustments/ Canada uses the IA laws but the SC makes adjustments

b) Royal Commission of Indigenous People wāpāta ōma ē-macastêk itwēwak nōtaw Indian Act apacitāk/ RCOIP look at how poorly this Indian Act is written and it needs to be used less.
