Wise mind is the result of combining our ___ and ___ minds.
What are emotion and reasonable?
Finger pointing, putting the responsibility on someone else.
What is blaming?
COT is an acronym for ____.
What is Critical Offence Treatment?
Ding's Diner advertised this daily lunch special: "Choose I item from each category--only $4.95!" Thus, each daily lunch special consists of a salad, a soup, a sandwich, and a drink.
Salads: cole slaw, lettuce, potato
Soups: onion, tomato
Sandwiches: meat loaf, chicken, hamburger, ham, tenderloin
Drinks: milk, cola, coffee, tea
How many different lunch specials are possible?
What is 120?
True consent requires that both parties have _____, meaning that they cannot receive a penalty and are free to change their mind and stop any sexual activity.
What is "permission to say no"?
A key part of mindfulness is to view things without ____, meaning that we are open to all possibilities and not focusing on whether something is good or bad, worthwhile, or worthless.
Using this word is usually a good indicator that you are justifying or making excuses.
What is "but"?
Court decisions, polices from agencies outside the program, disciplinary hearing decisions, probation or parole decisions, and legislative action affecting the facility are all examples of ____.
What is non-grievable issues?
What is the greatest common factor of 42, 126, and 210?
What is 42?
A supervisor having a sexual relationship with an employee is not true consent because of unequal ____.
What is "power"?
_____ is the ability to have better relationships through clearer communication.
What is interpersonal effectiveness?
Example: "The court is being too hard on me because I didn't really know what I was doing."
Before filing a grievance, you must ___.
What is try to resolve the issue informally?
When x = 3 and y = 5, by how much does the value of 3x2 - 2y exceed the value of 2x2 - 3y?
What is 14?
True consent requires both parties to be ___ and ___ equal.
_____ is about being able to recognize painful situations and keep us from being overwhelmed by them.
What is distress tolerance?
___ and ___ are red flags that you might be minimizing.
What are "only" and "just"?
The washer settings for Blankets, sheets, and mattress covers.
What are hot and bulky/sheets?
Sales for a business were 3 million dollars more the second year than the first year, and sales for the third year were double the sales for the second year. If sales for the third year were 38 million dollars, what were sales, in millions of dollars, for the first year?
What is 16 million?
Name the 9 building blocks of the consent bridge.
What are 1. same level emotionally, 2. appropriate age, 3. honesty, 4. both say "yes", 5. permission to say "no", 6. both understand what is going to happen, 7. no impaired thinking (clear and sober) 8. equal intelligence, and 9. Affection.
DEAR MAN stands for ____.
What is "Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindful, Appear confident, and negotiate."
Three common stages of denial
Stage 1: denial of the event. Stage 2: denial of responsibility. Stage 3: denial of the continuing problem.
The phone number for the PREA hotline.
What is 800-656-HOPE(4673)?
A typical high school student consumes 67.5 pounds of sugar per year. As part of a new nutrition plan, each member of a track team plans to lower the sugar he or she consumes by at least 20% for the coming year. Assuming each track member had consumed sugar at the level of a typical high school student and will adhere to this plan for the coming year, what is the maximum number of pounds of sugar to be consumed by each track member in the coming year?
What is 54 pounds?