Distinguished by their whorled form and conical shape, this group of trees contains about 35 species in the northern temperate and boreal regions of the earth.
What is Picea?
What is a conservation officer?
This social media platform is utilized post-date to inform the homies on each date.
What is Snapchat?
The refreshing object Ben Kuttner could simply not live without.
What is soda stream?
The trip on which Colin cried.
What is Mattawa?
The genus of a solid tree AND a school online platform.
What is Quercus?
Maddie had an undying love for this classmate.
Who is Jon?
In September, a man drove from this city to go on a date with Anna.
This prof made us legitmately angry in Haliburton due the sheer stupidy of their exercise.
Who is Sandy Smith?
Following this exam, Paul dropped $$$ getting us pitchers at the grad pub.
What is the Dendrology test?
This group of trees and shrubs contains many flowering fruit including apricots, plums, and peaches.
What is Prunus?
The classmate Anna had every group project with.
Who is Adam Tweedle?
This was the bank that THE finance bro worked at.
What is Scotiabank?
The prof that made us endure their questionable "set" before karaoke night at grad pub.
Who is Sean Thomas?
What are granola bars?
With an American name, this commonly planted street tree displays dark leathery bean-pods and white-green flowers.
What is Gymnocladus?
The classmate Nat had every group project with.
Who is Li?
Anna went on two lukewarm hinge dates with a man from this profession.
What is Nursing (murse)?
This acomplished researcher is married to our most choatic professor.
Who is Justina Ray?
The guitar player within the faculty that the tree homies ABSOLUTELY thirst after.
Who is Michael McTavish?
Resembling a flower, this tree is an Anna favourite.
What is Liriodendron?
Gary's home state.
What is Louisiana?
Two men lied about being this height.
What is 5'10?
After deciding that Anne Koven definitely murdered her husband, what is the iconic piece of clothing that we decided she wears when at home?
What is a fur-lined bathrobe?
On the Mattawa trip, Fred Pinto INTERROGATED us on this subject in the van.
What is the railway system in Canada?