Living plants that have woody trunks and roots.
The woody main stem of a tree is the t______.
The Trunk
This type of leaf can be identified because it does not have teeth or a serrated edge. The term refers to leaves that are not toothed or lobed.
The places where trees grow.
Trees grow in cities, trees grow in forests, trees grow in the mountains.
These grow from the trunk. These get smaller and smaller the farther they are from the trunk.
These leaves have a margin that looks similar to a saw or serrated knife. The spacing between the teeth does not need to be even and the “blades” of the margin can point straight or lean to one side or the other.
Trees need this natural resource to grow.
Trees need water. Their roots take in water. The water moves through the plant.
This part of the tree anchors the tree to the ground and takes up the water and minerals needed by the tree to make food.
This type of leaf has deep indents forming "valleys" and "hills". This leaf has no serrations and it is not smooth.
Living plants need these basic needs to grow and stay healthy.
Water, sunlight, air, space, and nutrients.
This part is the top part of the tree, which features branches that grow out from the main trunk and support the various leaves.
The Crown
These are the three types of leaves shapes we have been studying.
Smooth, toothed, and lobed.
These are parts of a tree.
Leaves, branches, trunk, roots, and crown.
The job of this part is to help the plant produce food, by converting the energy in sunlight into energy that the plant can use.
This leaf is not lobed or toothed and rhymes with the word tooth.