Conifer I.D.
Conifer facts
Deciduous I.D.
Important Conifers
More Conifer I.D.

The largest of all trees, includes the General Sherman Tree.

What is a Giant Sequoia?


What the word conifer means.

What is cone-bearing?


A good shade tree with especially colorful fall leaves and a good source of sugar and syrup.

What is a Maple?


One of the most important pine trees in the history of America.

What is the Eastern White Pine?


The tallest of all trees and its bark can be up to a foot thick.

What is a Redwood?


North American trees of this name are members of the cypress family. Its reddish wood contains a fragrant moth-repellant oil.

What is a Cedar?


Conifers produce these two different kinds of cones.

What are pollen cones and seed cones?


A tree with especially thick, wide-spreading branches and produces acorns.

What is an Oak?


The tree family the Bald Cypress belongs to

(nope, it's not the Cypress family!)

What is the Redwood family?


An evergreen, but not a conifer and is the only monocot. Its leaves are called fronds.

What is a Palm?


Needles of this tree grow in bundles. One variety of these trees is one of the oldest living things.

What is a Pine?


Conifers are huge trees with tiny leaves. Name the two different types of leaves they have.

What are needles and scales?


The tree grows best near water and has long, thin leaves with drooping branches. It has a graceful, almost mournful (sad) appearance. Poplars belong to this family.

What is a Willow?


Names of the 4 types of conifers currently growing on our family tree farm.

What are White Pine, Canaan Fir, Norway Spruce and Nordman Fir?


The name for this evergreen nut has air spaces inside it, allowing it to float and be carried thousands of miles by ocean currents.

What is a coconut?


This tree has long, flexible needles joined individually (one at a time) to the branch. Limbs are sharply pointed to a triangular crown on top. Many flourish in the cold North and high altitudes.

What is a Spruce?


The location where seeds of conifers are located.

What is in the cones?


A tree with smooth, white, papery bark that peels off in thin layers. Indians covered wigwams and canoes with this bark.

What is Birch?


Name of some of these conifer trees sprouted soon after the Flood of Noah's day, and were growing when Abraham walked the earth.

What are the Bristlecone Pine?


Cones of this tree stick straight up from tops of branches and fall apart while still on the branch. Its needles are usually blunt and soft.

What is a Fir?


This tree family is a chief American source of tannin. Its cones hang down from tips of branches.

What is a Hemlock?


The purpose of the sticky resin, or sap, of conifer cones.

What is to capture pollen grains?

A tall, graceful, vase-like shape with branches that curve away from the trunk and droop toward the ground.

What is an Elm?


The kind of tree Solomon used to build the Temple.

What is the Cedar of Lebanon? (but it is a member of the Pine family!)


These trees grow in swamps and lagoons or on waters edge. They have root knees that grow and stick out of the water

What is a Bald Cypress?
