He is the ADVERSARY of mankind.
Who is Satan?
A time or period of testing.
What is temptation?
A desire to be (our own) God.
(Wanting to be your own boss--to do what you want---not what God wants.)
What is sin?
He is the one to whom we must all give account.
Who is God?
This action by Adam and Eve caused a huge amount of wreckage for all humanity.
What is sin?
Because of sin, mankind experienced this from God.
(Hint: Because of COVID-19, many people experience this from their love ones).
What is separation?
The release as from a debt, penalty, or obligation
What is remission?
Alex Trebek was the TV host of this popular game show for approximately 37 years.
What is Jeopardy?
A person, group, or force that opposes or attacks.
What is adversary?
A powerful spiritual enemy that tempts us to disobey God.
Who is Satan?
(The tempter, the devil)
He is the one who "tempts" humans to disobey God.
Who is Satan?
(The devil, Serpent, Lucifer)
After contaminating the human race with sin, these persons hide from God.
Who are Adam and Eve?
According to the lesson, this consequence of sin is something most middle school students understand really well.
(worth double the points)
What is self-consciousness?
God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden to do this.
What is to protect them?
(Protect them from living forever in sin/evil).
(to have mercy on them)
(to protect the tree of life)
Blood must be shed for this reason.
What is "for forgiveness of sins"?
He was born in this North American country.
What is Canada?
His many names include Satan, the devil, the Serpent, the villian, and the evil one, but when God created him as one of the angels, He gave him this name.
What is Lucifer?
Because temptation often starts with a distortion of it, this should be our first defense against temptations.
(worth double the points)
What is (understanding) God's word?
(Study the Bible, scripture, 2Tim 2:15)
This scripture tells us that "all" humans have sinned
What is Romans 3:23?
This is the painful feeling following the actions of something dishonorable.
What is shame?
According to this Gospel Wheel scripture, God says that the penalty for sin is death.
What is Romans 6:23?
After driving Adams and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, God placed a "flaming sword" there to guard this tree.
What is the Tree of Life?
What sinners (all of us) must do to be saved.
What is "believe on the Lord Jesus"?
These are the names of his two children.
(worth double the points)
Who are Emily and Matthew?
This superhero is more powerful, more loving, and more essential to humans than any other. He stands for truth, justice and honor.
Who is Christ Jesus?
(Jesus Christ or Jesus the Christ)
Temptation happens to all of us and according to this scripture, (at certain times) each of us have disobeyed God.
Unlike God, no human is perfect.
What is Romans 3:23?
This bible verse tells us that God allows us to exchange death for eternal life.
(through Christ)
What is Romans 6:23?
This scripture says that all things are "naked and open" to the eyes of God.
What is Heb 4:13.
According to Romans 5, sin entered the world through this human.
Who is Adam?
Although Adam and Eve did not experienced physical death immediately, they did experience this type of death.
What is "spiritual" death?
(Spiritual separation from God)
While hanging on the cross to pay for our sins, Jesus' body gave up this.
What is his blood/life?
He was born in 1940 on this date.
What is July 22?
This scripture says, "BS,BV: BYATD-WALARL, SWHMD."
(worth double the points)
What is 1 Peter 5:8
This scripture starts with, "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful..."
What is 1Corinthians 10:13?
When Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree, along with sin, they released this into the world.
What is evil?
(The knowledge of "good and evil")
According to this lesson, this is why the characters hid from God.
What is fear?
(Fear of God, fear of rejection, shame, and/or embarrassment)
According to the lesson, dealing with sin starts with taking this.
What is responsibility?
This Gospel Wheel scripture tells us that God gave us Jesus so that we could choose eternal life over eternal death.
(To reconnect us to Himself)
What is John 3:16?
Under the new covenant, Christ took the place of this animal.
(Used in the old Testament as a blood offering sacrifice for a person/family's sin).
What is the lamb?
("Behold the Lamb of God" who taketh away the sins of the world. Jn 1:29 & 1:36)
This is his original name---from birth.
Who is "George Alexander Trebek"?