The reproductive system of Trematodes.
What is hermaphroditic?
Where eggs of Trematodes are found.
What is feces?
This zoonotic liver fluke's intermediate host is a snail and is worse in young sheep.
What is Fasciola hepatica?
Paragonimus kellicotti is also known as the.....
What is the "Lung fluke"?
Control of what IH will decrease the number of trematode infections?
What is the snail?
Oviparous means...
What is eggs hatch outside adult body?
The lifecycle stage in which Trematodes produce eggs.
What is adult?
This liver flukes 2nd intermediate host is known as "zombie ants".
What is Dicrocoelium dentriticum?
Schistosoma spp. is also known as.......
What is "swimmer's itch" or "bilharzia"?
How is Fenbendazole used in treatment of flukes?
What is off-label?
Where ova are found large and operculated.
What is sedimentation?
The infective stage of Trematodes.
What is Metacercaria?
This fluke causes inflammation of the intestines, bile and hepatic ducts, and the gallbladder in felines.
What is Platynosomum spp.?
Humans can get this fluke by eating raw frog legs.
What is Alaria spp.?
What is the best way to prevent flukes in dogs and cats?
What is Parasite and IH control?
Digenea means...
What is the parasite can reproduce asexually or sexually depending on the lifecycle stage?
The final stage of asexual reproduction occurs in this lifecycle stage of Trematodes.
What is cercaria?
This is known as the human lung fluke.
What is Paragonimus westermanii?
The Fasciola hepatica also known as the "Liver fluke" is transferred to humans by......
What is eating water-lettuces?
This medication is used to treat tissue damage and inflammation.
What is prednisone?
These are used by flukes to attach to the host.
What is oral and ventral suckers?
This lifecycle stage is produced from Sporocysts.
What is Redia?
This fluke causes necrotic disease of liver tissue due to migrating immature flukes.
What is Fasciola hepatica?
A trematode that is possibly zoonotic...
What is Heterobilharzia americana?
The optimum time of year to use Triclabendazole in treatment of liver flukes.
What is autumn?