What is the name of the Pope's official Twitter account?
Which saint is associated with the discovery of the True Cross?
St. Helena
Breadsticks originated in this county.
Lisbon is my capital.
Who was the famous American pilot who made the first solo non-stop transatlantic flight in 1927?
Charles Lindbergh
What is the name of the Pope's official summer residence?
Castel Gandolfo
Which saint is known as the “Father of Western Monasticism”?
St. Benedict
I'm a sweet cookie that is baked twice.
Beirut is my capital.
What was the name of the iconic dance that became popular in the 1920s and was associated with flappers?
The Charleston
What is the name of the official newspaper of Vatican City?
L’Osservatore Romano
St. Bernadette Soubirous
Tiramisu contains which type of cheese?
Zurich is my capital.
Which iconic landmark in New York City was completed in 1924 and became the tallest man-made structure in the world at the time?
The Chrysler building.
There is a secret passage that connects the Vatican to what other historical landmark in Rome nearby?
Castel Sant-Angelo
Astronomers have this saint for a patron.
"Levain" is also known as what?
Sourdough starter
Ulaanbaatar is my capital.
Who became the President of the United States in 1929, shortly before the stock market crash and the beginning of the Great Depression?
Herbert Hoover.
Which Roman emperor had the obelisk that stands in St. Peter's Square transported from Egypt to Rome?
Emperor Caligula
A vial of my blood liquifies on three dates in the year, and at other times occasionally as well.
St. Januarius
French for “pastry cream,” what type of custard is used to fill an éclair?
Crème pâtissière
Ljubljana is my capital.
In 1920, which amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the sale, production, and distribution of alcoholic beverages?
The 18th Amendment